The committee found a series of problems with the plan, as reported today by Aluf Benn in Haaretz. Among them are legal, security, financial and diplomatic issues, which render the plan essentially non-executable. They include the following:Has anybody told Olmert?o In leaving certain areas, such as eastern Jerusalem, Maaleh Adumim, and Ariel, under Israeli control, the international community is not likely to support the plan, and pressure will continue to be exerted upon Israel.The committee found that the costs of relocating 15,000 families would be tremendously high, but affordable. It was not assigned to look into aspects such as the social rift that would be caused in the country as a result of such a move.
o Similarly, the Arabs of the Palestinian Authority will not be satisfied, and will continue terrorist activities against Israel.
o Jordan fears that handing over the area will lead to unrest amongst its own Palestinian population and instability in the entire country.
o Hamas will use the areas to fire rockets into Israel, as it is doing in Gaza.
The committee listed a series of some 20 differences between the Gaza Disengagement and Olmert's planned withdrawal from Yesha, each of which works to the detriment of the latter. Among them are:o the desire not to give up the entire contested area;
o the higher altitude of Yesha as compared with Israel's large population centers, giving terrorists a military advantage;
o important water sources in Yesha;
o ecological damage in Yesha that could negatively affect Israel, unlike in Gaza where the effects on Israel are negligible.
Technorati Tag: Israel and Olmert.

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