But while the widespread use of Arab locals in covering the Middle East raises many legitimate concerns, the Palestinian propaganda machine has enjoyed tremendous success over the years hoodwinking supposedly sophisticated Western journalists. And Hezbollah appears to have done the same over the past month.It is easy to forget that Israel actually is not the only victim of faked photos. Glenn Harlan Reynolds reminds us:
We've seen this kind of fakery before, of course, and not just where Israel is concerned. The Boston Globe ran fake rape photos purporting to show U.S. troops raping Iraqi women. The photos turned out to come from a Hungarian porn site. Nor does the fakery stop with photos. Rutten's own L.A. Times ran a nasty piece about Paul Bremer's departure from Iraq, saying that he didn't even give a farewell speech and suggesting that he was afraid to look Iraqis in the eye. In fact, Bremer had given a speech that was nationally televised in Iraq. As columnist John Leo observed in response to this bit of bogosity: "What's new about the press is that so many people who follow it with a critical eye now have an outlet to howl about inaccuracy and partisanship. The big media used to be able to shrug off critics like this. Now they can't."We've mentioned his recurring parallel between Israel on the one hand and the US in Iraq in a previous post on the problem of the reliance on 'fixers' by the media in both Israel and Iraq.
The media consistently shows itself to be a willing pawn of Islamists and those who oppose Democracy in the region. But which came first, their hatred of Bush and Israel, or their fawning--yet fearful--attitude towards the Islamists?
Technorati Tag: Israel and Media Bias and Iraq and US.

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