Media reports in Ankara on Wednesday revealed that three out of the four Turkish citizens that were killed during the raid declared their wishes to become shahids (martyrs). Another Dutch report claimed a Dutch activist, who was arrested by the IDF is suspected of being a senior Hamas operative.It should be noted that he did not just 'become' a shahid--he actively worked towards that goal--as evidenced by the fact that the other ships did not stage ambushes of the IDF soldiers. Benginin got what he wanted.
In an interview with Turkish newspaper Haber, the family members of Ali Khaider Benginin (39), resident of east Turkey's Kurdistan region, revealed their relative's true intentions.
"I am going to be a shahid; I dreamt I will become a shahid – I saw in a dream that I will be killed," Benginin told his family before leaving for the sail. [emphasis added]
Here is the second 'shahid':
Another Turkish citizen killed during the raid, Ali Akhbar Iritilmis (55), a father of four from Ankara, was active in the IHH organization, which led the naval convoy to Gaza. "He was devoted to this activity, and always dreamt about becoming a shahid," said his close friend Mehmet Faruq Cheber.As for the third:
Anadolu News Agency reported that the third activist killed on boards the Marmara, Ibrahim Bilgen (61), an engineer and father of six, was active in the Islamic party in southern Turkey. "He was a role model to all of us; a true philanthropist. Therefore, it suited him to die a shahid's death. Allah gave him the death he wanted," said Ibrahim's brother, Nuri Mergen.A true philanthropist for whom it was suited that he should die, rather than supervise the aid being brought into Gaza?
One gets the impression that 'philanthropist' is being used differently than the usual sense of the word.
As for the fourth slain activist, Muharram Kuchak, was a volunteer with the terrorist-associated group IHH.
And the Turks were not the only ones with terrorist ties:
Holland-based Teltarif newspaper reported Wednesday morning that Amin Abou Rashed, 43, and Anne de Jong, 29, are probably the only two Dutch citizens that were arrested among the flotilla participants.Technorati Tag: Gaza Flotilla.
The newspaper's investigation revealed incriminating details from Abou Rashed's past; intelligence sources claimed he is the local Hamas leader, while the Muslim Brotherhood's website identified him as one of the organizers of the naval convoy.
According to Teltarif's report, Dutch intelligence services have been following Abou Rashed's activities for a long time. He worked, among other places, with al- Aqsa Foundation, suspected of acting under the guise of a charity, while funneling its donations to Hamas.

There were 600 activists. Sure there may have been some "bad apples" (as Americans used to say in case of their scandal in Iraqi prison). But among those 600 people there were also Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Corrigan-Maguire, European lawmakers, journalists, business leaders and even an 86-year-old Holocaust survivor. Nobody seems to be mentioning them. Listening to Israeli side (or some pro-israeli bloggers), one could get an impression there was a ship full of Islamic terrorists who came to fight Jews.
You can not change some facts: it was an international AID convoy made up of nationals of 32 countries taking food, toys, medical equipment and similar aid to the people of Gaza, who have been deprived of these basic commodities for years. IDf commandos attacked them and as the result, 9 activists were killed.
Let's add some of the facts that you are conveniently ignoring:
1. What you are describing occurred only aboard the Mavi Marmara.
2. The security photos clearly show there was planned violence.
3. The video from the helicopter clearly shows the people aboard the ship attacked the IDF soldiers.
4. The titles and occupations of these people are irrelevant--even assuming you are describing people aboard the one ship that ambushed the soldiers. All that matters is that they clearly attacked the soldiers.
Throwing around labels like "Israeli side" and "pro-israeli bloggers" does not change the fact that the videos clearly document what happened.
Planned violence? Those people were activists who wanted to help Gazans, not some terrorists who wanted to attack Israelis. They were non-violent until the IDF commandos repelled onto the ship. They were resisting them and defending themselves. The IDF has the blood of nine people on it's hands, no matter what does Israeli PM says.
It's time for international probe of Flotilla Raid. But I think Israel will - as always - oppose it.
You failed to address my points, not to mention the terrorist ties.
And the security camera clearly shows their violent intent before being boarded.
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