Given the political right's hate-filled and hysterical response to all things Muslim, one has to ask whether American Muslims face a future in which they will no longer be treated as equal citizens.
The best example of the right's campaign to deprive American Muslims of the civil liberties enjoyed by citizens of other faiths is the neo-McCarthyite response to a planned Islamic cultural center in New York City.
Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR
That's CAIR doing what it does best: inflaming hate and tensions.
The fact is that CAIR has no read on what is going on--not only do they not know what is going on in the Muslim community, CAIR has no idea how many Muslims live in the US.
Writing about a Pew survey in 2007, Patrick Poole writes about CAIR's exaggerated numbers for the Muslim US population:
The Pew Study refutes two of the most regular claims offered by CAIR. The first is the 8 million Muslim myth - the attempt by CAIR and other Islamist organizations to inflate the Muslim population to claim greater political clout. But Pew estimates only 2.35 million Muslims - less than one percent of the total population. This is in line with most other official studies conducted over the past decade by Pew, the University of Chicago, Columbia University and others.More to the point is the second CAIR myth shattered by the facts:
The second myth propounded by CAIR destroyed by this study is that Muslims in America are everywhere oppressed and alienated by non-Muslims. [CAIR official]Al-Akhras himself claims that American Muslims are well-integrated into society, and the Pew poll finds that Muslim-American personal income and education are comparable to the public at-large. This is hardly the portrait of a victimized community, and is evidence that the fear-mongering which is the staple of CAIR's public statements has no basis in fact. The support by Ahmad Al-Ahkras for the Pew study findings contradicts some of the very claims he has made about the downtrodden Muslim community in the past.With this in mind, no one should be surprised how wrong and misleading Hooper is when FBI hate crime stats show Jews still much more likely than Muslims to be victim of hate crime assault:
According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program in 2009 [view here] there were 8,336 victims of hate crimes. 48.8 percent of those victims were targeted because of a racial bias, 18.9 percent because of a religious bias, and 17.8 percent because of a bias against a person’s sexual orientation.I've been blogging about CAIR's misleading statements on Islamophobia since 2006, most recently back in August when CAIR came out of the woodwork to accuse opponents of the 9/11 mosque of being racists. The numbers year to year demonstrate that CAIR's claims are wildly exaggerated--and that CAIR has a history of fudging the numbers they use, as documented by Daniel Pipes, American Thinker, Michelle Malkin and NPR, which reveals the extent of CAIR's deception this way:
There were 4,057 victims of racially motivated hate crimes. Over 70 percent of those victims were targeted because of an anti-black bias. The second highest group targeted because of race were victims of an anti-white bias (16.5 percent).
Of the 1,575 victims of a religious bias, over 70 percent were victims of an anti-Jewish bias. The second highest group, at 8.4 percent, were the victims of an anti-Muslim bias.
any bias incident, from a Muslim being yelled at from a passing car, to a Muslim being profiled on a plane, can wind up in CAIR's reportAll the more reason for making the FBI's result known each year to counter the false claims propagated by CAIR.
Technorati Tag: Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism and CAIR.

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