The Australian contingent has also said they are "committed to peace and non-violence", but how do they square that with Hamas's record of violence, including the firing of some 13,000 rockets and mortars into Israel since 2001?
The Australian, June 24, 2011
Apparently, it doesn't--some members of the flotilla apparently have every intent of attacking the Israeli soldiers:
Senior officials in Jerusalem said Monday that Israel has received information that organizers of the Gaza flotilla may be bringing chemical substances on the ships to use against Israeli soldiers to prevent them from boarding the ships.In addition, Israel has learned that even though the IHH will not have their own boats, some of its members will be aboard other ships in the flotilla. It was the members of the IHH on the Mavi Marmara--the only ship that resorted to violence--that instigated attacks against the IDF.
The senior officials also said that Israel had been notified that several extremists among the Gaza flotilla participants had recently claimed that they intend on “shedding the blood of IDF soldiers.”
In addition, people connected to Hamas will be taking part in the flotilla as well:
Israeli officials claim that two activists participating in the flotilla have connections to Hamas. They named the first one as Amin Abu Rashad, who they claim is one of the head Dutch organizers for the Gaza flotilla and had served in the past as the head of the Hamas’ Charitable Foundation in Holland. The foundation closed down following Dutch authorities’ probe into its involvement in funding terror activities.For a group that claims to be non-violent, they really should be keeping an eye out for the company they keep.
The second activist is Mohammed Ahmed Hanon, which Israel claims is a Hamas activist who stands at the head of the ABSPP, which is involved in transferring funds to terrorists.
Hat tip: Challah Hu Akbar
Technorati Tag: Flotilla2 and Gaza Flotilla.

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