From the YouTube page:
Where is the Kingdom of Jordan? What is its history?
Jordan was created in the part of the British Mandate of Palestine east of the Jordan River, the majority of the Mandate. It was carved out of the Mandate and given to the Hashemite tribe of Arabia as payment for the Hashemites cooperation with the British in World War I. In todays Jordan, the Hashemites are a minority, but control the state's power - the Monarchy. As a product of the British Mandate of Palestine, the majority non-Hashemite population identify themselves as 'Palestinians', or 'Southern Syrians' depending on the political climate.
- Society for Rational Peace -
If Jordan's majority population is Palestinian, why are we trying to give them a second homeland?
Concerning Palestine East Of The River Jordan
Each day brings me closer to the realization that Palestine, as it wants to exist within the boundary of Israel, and impose this view on the world community, is a farce... an imaginative place with imaginative people. History proves over and over again that JORDAN IS INDEED PALESTINE.
Here are several quotes from "officials" in the so-called Palestinian community.
Check out Daphne Anson, who has 2 videos of Geert Wilders explaining why Jordan is Palestine.
Technorati Tag: Jordan and Palestine.

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