The reason I say blindly is that the justification behind Obama's insistence on continued Palestinian Arab aid are just absurd:
The Obama administration forcefully pushed back Tuesday against threats from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to cut off aid to the Palestinian government because of its ties to the Hamas terror group.
In defending assistance to the Palestinian Authority, U.S. officials told Congress that American financial support for the Palestinian government helps build institutions and strengthen stability, both of which they said are keys to a future peace deal with Israel.
Considering the continuous record of corruption and incompetence of the Palestinian Arabs, claiming at this late date that pouring more millions of dollars in this failed enterprise is a sign of blindness and desperation.
As I blogged last week, the corruption is so widespread that Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, the darling of the West whose presence was supposed to ensure the proper administration of funds and and the viability of Palestinian Arab state--even Fayyad has now been accused of corruption.
Also, keep in mind that besides the question of corruption, there is the issue of Fatah's unity with the terrorist group Hamas.
More than that is the documented ongoing incitement of hatred by Abbas and the PA against Israel--and those who readily accuse Israel at the drop of a hat of violating international law should be reminded of the legal foundation that the Arab incitement of hatred against Israel may very well constitute the crime of Genocide.
In the face of all this, the Obama administration--without regards to the facts--continues to parrot the claim that more millions must be given to the Palestinian Arabs.
Did I mention that the Obama's blind insistence to give them money is absurd?
Technorati Tag: Obama and Fayyad and Abbas.

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