Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Rebutting The "My Tax Dollars" Argument

The Huffington Post Monitor has an interesting post up on rebutting those who say they oppose Israel because of the US tax dollars it receives:
We have all seen anti-Zionists and critics of Israel use the "my tax dollars argument." I thought that I would share an example of that from the recent "minors arrest" thread, by "MarcEdward" in response to WBMD's. Take a look:

Now here is the thing about using the "tax dollars" argument, from the anti-Zionist perspective: It works, in the sense that it can be used to shield against accusations of an inordinate interest in the Jewish state. It is not bulletproof, of course, because US tax dollars go to support a great many nations and countries that are far worse than Israel (including the Palestinians) but that's missing the forest for the trees. This argument is a good way for anti-Zionists to justify their one-sided hatred of Israel whilst ignoring the brutality and heinous crimes happening everywhere else in the world, such as in the Sudan. However, there are two major problems with it, and those who use it must take care.
Read the whole thing.

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