Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Presidential Candidates Identify Threat From Shariah In GOP Debate On CNN

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contact Stephen M. Gelé *(504) 237-6399 


Washington, DC, June, 14 2011--Last night, presidential candidates Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney addressed the issue of Shariah as a threat to the United States in general and its legal system in particular.
Herman Cain stated that he believed in "American laws for American courts, not Shariah law" in U.S. courts. Mitt Romney echoed those sentiments by saying that "of course we're not going to have Shariah law in our courts."

The American Public Policy Alliance (APPA) ( has promoted American Laws for American Courts legislation on the state level since 2010. APPA applauds Messrs. Cain, Romney and Gingrich for their support for defending American sovereignty and constitutional rights against all foreign laws and foreign legal doctrines, including Shariah law. The American Laws for American Courts legislation has already been signed into law in Tennessee, Louisiana and Arizona.

A recent study conducted by the Center for Security Policy confirmed that Shariah law is already present in the U.S. court system. In Shariah Law and American State Courts, the Center cited 50 cases in 23 states in which parties to disputes attempted to invoke different aspects of Shariah law, sometimes successfully. That report can be viewed online at

According to attorney Stephen Gel
é, spokesman for the American Public Policy Alliance:

“America can no longer turn a blind eye to the victims, and potential victims, of Shariah law in our court systems.  Women have wrongly lost custody of their children, and have had acts of domestic abuse against them justified, because of the application of Shariah law, or foreign judgments premised upon Shariah  law, in American courts.  As more litigants attempt to have Shariah law recognized in American courts, U.S. policymakers need to clearly state through legislation that American constitutional rights and public policy will not bow to foreign doctrines incompatible with our way of life.”

The American Public Policy Alliance (APPA), a non-partisan advocacy organization dedicated to government transparency, government accountability and the constitutionality of U.S. and state laws and policies, is working with legislators nationwide on policies and initiatives. Along with allied organizations, APPA is working to defend free speech, preserve and promote human rights, maintain the strength of our US and state constitutions, and aid and promote public safety.

One of the greatest threats to American values and liberties today comes from foreign laws and foreign legal doctrines which have been influencing our legal system at the municipal, state and federal levels. This phenomenon is known as “transnationalism” and includes the increasingly frequent appearance of Islamic Shariah law. APPA focuses largely on combating this process across a broad variety of issues.

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