Monday, May 07, 2007

FEELING YOUR AGE: Jack has some musing at Random Thoughts. Just reading his post makes me feel old.
He grew up came of age with "Magic, Kareem, Worthy, Byron, Bird, Barkley, Stockton, Malone, Olajuwon and of course Jordan".
Me? Walt Frazier and Earl "The Pearl" Monroe.

My wife bought a basketball last week for our 7 year old daughter, but said I could use it to. I told her with disdain that I had no time or interest--but once she went back inside I started showing my daughter all my old moves--at least what passed for 'moves' back in the day.

Jack mentions Geritol.

I remember seeing Geritol advertised regularly on the Ted Mack Amateur Hour.
Never heard of it?
There was a kid on once who was very impressive on the violin.
His name was Louis Farrakhan.

1 comment:

Jack Steiner said...

I remember Clyde and Black Jesus. Darn Knicks stole a series from my Lakers.