While the video itself can not be embedded,there is an outline of the legal actions being taken to stop the Flotilla:
Shurat HaDin (SH), the Israeli Legal Center, is implementing several strategies to stop the international flotilla against Israel. One is a civil lawsuit against 14 ships set to participate in this flotilla. A second action is Shurat HaDin's legal warning to Inmarsat that under U.S. law they will be open to charges of aiding and abetting terrorism if they provide services to these Gaza-bound ships. A third action by SH is their letter to maritime insurance companies informing them that by insuring sea vessels used by terrorists their company will be liable for any future attacks carried out by those terrorists. Read the sections below for the details of SH's actions.
- Civil Suit
- Civil Suit Overview
- Press Release
- June 16,2011 Legal Filing
- June 13, 2011 Letter to Attorney General Eric Holder
- Plaintiff, Dr. Alan Bauer
- U.S. Code Secton 962 - Arming vessel against friendly nation
- SH's Sample Letter, Fax or Email to Attorney General Eric Holder
- Find the location of the Gaza Flotilla boats
- Strategy: Satellite Communications Provider
- Stategy: Insurance Companies
According to Darshan-Leitner, some insurers--such as Lloyds of London--have stated publicly that they will not provide the necessary insurance to ships in the flotilla.
The results so far sound promising--listen to the video interview with Darshan-Leitner.
Technorati Tag: Flotilla and Gaza.

Yup. It comes down to the money, stupid. And as well financed as Hate Israel groups are, they don't have those kind of deep pockets.
the links do not seem to work for the letters to send to Inmarsat or to Holder. Please connect so I can send out!
Sample letter to Holder can be found at: http://www.pjtv.com/?cmd=mpg&mpid=427&link=749
Sample letter to Inmarsat is here: http://www.pjtv.com/?cmd=mpg&mpid=427&link=750
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