Tuesday, July 03, 2007

SHEVA ASAR B'TAMMUZ. Sultan Knish writes:
The Walls of Yerushalayim Have Been Breached

It is a singular characteristic of men to stand on the edge of catastrophe and still not see it.

Today is Shiva Asar B'Tammuz. Twice on this day the walls of Yerushalayim were breached by the enemy leading to the destruction of two temples, the massacre of large numbers of Jews and the loss of Israel. Up until the last days infighting continued between the leadership and the Jews who should have stood together in defense of their land.

A commemoration or a remembrance of history is meaningless in the abstract. It must be felt. That is why some stride around the table on Pesach with sacks thrown over their shoulders. We should feel today as if the walls of Yerushalaim have been breached.

It should not be too difficult to feel that way.
Read the whole thing.

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