Jordan asks Canada to seize Dead Sea scrollsBut it wasn't the issue of international law that caught my eye, rather it was the conclusion of the article:
2,000-year-old Hebrew artifacts, which Jordan claims were illegally taken by Israel in 1967, are on display in Toronto
Jordan has asked Canada to seize the 2,000-year-old Dead Sea scrolls, on display until Sunday at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, invoking international law in a bid to keep the artifacts out of the hands of Israel until their disputed ownership is settled.
...While Jordan has acted only recently in asking Canada to take custody of the scrolls, the Palestinian Authority has made its position known since April, when Salam Fayyad, Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, wrote to Prime Minister Stephen Harper concerning what it argues is the illegal use of the scrolls.
Palestinian experts acknowledge the scrolls are Jewish, but argue that they are also part of Palestinian heritage just as ancient Roman and Byzantine ruins comprise part of their history.And of course, the regard of Palestinian Arabs for historical artifacts is legendary, if not downright mythical:
Read the whole thing.The Taliban's destruction of ancient Buddhist cultural treasures in the Bamian Valley of Afghanistan during 1998 should have sounded a warning throughout the world over radical Islam's disregard for the religious heritage of others. The Taliban's extremism was partly a result of the influence of their guest, Osama bin Laden, and their Saudi Wahhabi paymasters more generally.2
Israel has witnessed a similar and more widespread pattern of actions by Islamists in support a pre-eminent, if not exclusive, Islamic claim to the Holy Land:
- In Nazareth, Muslim zealots have sought since 1997 to construct a large mosque that would dwarf the Christian Basilica of the Annunciation.3
- On October 7, 2000, after constant attacks by Palestinian mobs, the Jewish holy site of Joseph's Tomb in Nablus (Shechem) was sacked and burned, and later converted into a mosque. Five days later, the ancient Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue in Jericho was sacked and burned by Palestinians.4
- Rachel's Tomb at the Jerusalem-Bethlehem border has come under repeated Palestinian sniper attack.
- In April 2002, Palestinian Tanzim gunmen from Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement took over the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and controlled the site for weeks at gunpoint.
However, the activities by the Muslim Waqf and the Israeli Muslim movement on the Temple Mount represent an unprecedented attempt to deny any legitimacy to the ancient Jewish heritage in Jerusalem.
After September 2000, the Muslim Waqf closed off the Temple Mount entirely to any archeological oversight by the Israel Antiquities Authority. Then, in order to complete new underground mosques at the site, it removed to city garbage dumps some 13,000 tons of rubble from the Temple Mount that included archeological remnants from the First and Second Temple periods.
It just strikes me as a just a little odd to hear such protestations in the interest of history and culture from a people who have no history or culture as a Palestinian people, demanding a Palestinian homeland that has never existed.
Technorati Tag: Dead Sea Scrolls.

These "people" continue to view all history as a means to a political end. Every artifact or site that falls into their hands is ruined.
Remember how Jordan treated the part of Jerusalem under its control prior to 1967?
You are extremely unethical. Firstly what the Taliban have done is irrelevant, just like the crimes of the Nazis aren't relevant to how other countries act.
Secondly stealing is wrong. Just because something is Jewish, it doesn't make it Israeli.
It makes me wonder if Palestinians have any rights at all to the land they have lived in for generations.
You really should look in the mirror and contemplate the meaning of your words. If they had found a bible instead would it automatically belong to the Vatican, would they be justified in sending in a squad to steal it - of course not.
You are extremely unethical.
With just 4 words you completely undercut your entire argument.
You are extremely unethical.
With just 4 words you make believe you are interested in ethics while simultaneously indulging in the most loathsome and disgusting stereotyping--lumping all Israelis together.
Tsk, tsk.
As for the rest of your ignorant ranting, you ignore--actually, are clueless--about the fact that the control of the West Bank that the Jordanian army grabbed in 1948 was never internationally recognized.
Jordan never had legal control, so by definition nothing was stolen from Jordan.
But please, no need to allow real international law stand in your way.
But thank you for playing.
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