From the Teaneck Shuls mail list, Monday July 17.
Here's the latest on the situation from Migdal Ohr.
The administration has just decided to evacuate the campus since a 2nd
rocket landed in Migdal HaEmek a short time ago (neither rocket hit the
campus or buildings in the town). In addition, the municipalities of many
towns in the north of Israel are working with Rabbi Grossman to arrange for
10-day camps for about 1000 children from their towns (this is in addition
to the children already cared for by Migdal Ohr who will be sent farther
south to camp). The Jewish Agency is funding 50% of this. Migdal Ohr is
looking for financial help to cover the rest of the costs.
If you are able to help, please click here to make a contribution
to Migdal Ohr to defray the costs.
You can also contribute by calling the Migdal Ohr office at 212-397-3700.
The letter from Migdal Ohr is attached below.
Dear Friend,
The situation in Israel's Northern towns is unbearable. We hope that
we will destroy our enemies, but who knows what price we will have to pay
until then. Right now, hundreds of thousands of residents are required to
spend days and nights in bomb shelters. This is especially hard on the
children, who are used to playing freely in the streets. There are
particular problems in towns which have been spared this agony for many
years and have been experiencing relative quiet. First of all, the bomb
shelters there have been used for other needs over the years and now they
are not really suitable for proper use. Secondly, many of these young
children have never experienced this threat before and are finding the
situation very traumatic.
The mayors of the towns and municipal leaders (Rosheimoatzah) asked
for help with the children of their communities. The Rav conferred with
psychologists who agreed that it is very dangerous for the children to
wander aimlessly for days on end. Therefore, Rabbi Grossman took it upon
himself to take the children of the towns which are within the
confrontation lines and bring them to summer camps in safe places. About
1000 children from the towns of Marom Hagalil; Avivim; Biriah; Dalton;
Hatzor; Kerem ben Zimra; Kfar Shamai; Kfar Chananiah; Ma'alot; Nahariah;
Alma; Kiryat Shemonah; Carmiel; Tzefat; Haifa and Shelomi will be
spending the next 10 days in camps in the towns of Nahalim, Even Shemuel,
Neveh Herzog (Ashdod) and Petach Tikvah. The children will enjoy an
exciting program which will include sports; swimming; hiking & touring;
educational workshops; arts & crafts and interesting lectures on
fascinating topics. In addition, psychologists and social workers will be
on hand to help those youngsters who need emotional aid.
The cost of each child is $645 for the 10 days and the Jewish Agency
is ready to subsidize 50% of the costs. That leaves Migdal Ohr with a
deficit of over $300,000. We are turning to our close friends of Israel
and Migdal Ohr in a unique appeal to make a special contribution to
Migdal Ohr to help cover the costs of this very important humanitarian
Please click on this link and give as generously as you can in this time of crisis.
We pray that G-d will bring Peace to Israel and will protect all of
our Jewish brothers and sisters around the world; and bless all of you
who help us help them in their hour of need.
Sincerely yours,
Robert Katz
Executive Vice President
P. S. Last night, a rocket fell in Migdal Ha'Emek. Thank G-d, no one was
P.P.S. Another rocket fell in Migdal Ha'Emek just a little while ago. It
seems that they are aiming for the Ramat David Air Force Base which is
near our campus. Consequently, we are evacuating the premises and will be
sending our summer campers to these other camps too
See a list of ways to help at What We Can Do To Help Israel
Technorati Tag: Israel.

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