J-Blogosphere Blog has 2 posts of interest--one on the J-Blogosphere Community over at The Truth Laid Bear and what it is all about; the other about the future of Haveil Havalim--a post dealing with the complaint that the right wing is over-represented in the posts, and how to address that issue.
Jewish Blogmeister, who is dealing with a sudden death in the family, writes about Jews for Yoshka ads that are appearing on WABC radio and asks that you use the contact numbers provided to put a stop to it.
Mere Rhetoric has more on the Jews for Yoshka campaign, including the fact that among those targeted are Orthodox Jews.
Judeopundit provides a summary of opposing reactions from around the Blogosphere to the Washington Post op-ed by Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas.
Kesher Talk covers and has pictures of yesterday's protest in front of the Syrian embassy to free Gilad Shalit. Atlas Shrugs has pictures too--and video.
Le Mont De Sisyphe discusses (in French) the question whether Operation Summer Rain is disproportionate or a long overdue house cleaning. [If you didn't take French in High School, you can try Babelfish]
Letters of Thought addresses what has happened to the proverbial Litvak.
Life-Of-Rubin has a post of a number of interesting links, including the first Chassidic cop.
me-ander notes how the effects of lack of sleep can ADD up.
Modern Orthodox Woman notes that there is another report out that women are doing better than men on campus--but what about out in the workforce?
The Muqata ponders what it takes to increase the numbers of comments on a blog, a question that takes on an ironic twist.
In My Right Word, Yisrael Medad writes about the new "Come-To-Our-Senses" Plan, with quotes from 10 who supported the Disengagement but are not converging with Olmert.
Ocean Guy: Somewhere on A1A shares a Quote of the Day that puts things into perspective.
Olah Chadasha did her part to help WRIF rock the world.
Technorati Tag: Israel and Judaism and Blogs and Politics.

1 comment:
Better late than never; thanks for the link.
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