Popular Israeli singer Amir Benayun together with the children’s choir of Itamar recorded a special song, composed for the observance of 30 days since five members of the Fogel family were murdered by terrorists in their Itamar home on March 11.
The name of the song is “Hitna’ari” (Shake yourself free), a phrase from L’cha Dodi--which is sung on Friday evenings. It was used by Yochai Ben Yishai, brother of victim Ruth Fogel, during his eulogy at the funeral.
The song is dedicated to the Fogels’ daughter, Tamar Fogel, who survived the terror attack.
One of the members of the choir was 11-year-old Yoav Fogel, Tamar's brother who was one of those killed in the attack. The choir has been renamed Pirchei Yoav (Yoav’s flowers) in his memory.
Here is the song:
Below the video is a translation of the lyrics.
Lyrics (translated from Hebrew):
You are tired
Two thousand reasons to cry
You are sad
There is no drought year from tears
You are desperate
When you try to just talk
You become silent
When you have no brother, when you have no friend..
Shake yourself free, rise from the dust
Dress in your garments of splendor
I am a grain of sand
I passed with you all your wanderings
Shake yourself free and live in your blood
You are tired
And must stay and guard
You are sad
You did not want to be a hero at all
You do not give up
Even when there is no house to go back to
You insist
And scream and whisper a prayer
Shake yourself free, rise from the dust
Dress in your garments of splendor
I am a grain of sand
I passed with you all your wanderings
Shake yourself free and live in your blood
HaShem Yikom Damam
Hat tip: BrazilianGirl32
Technorati Tag: Fogel Family Massacre.

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