American Islamist Groups Shape Arab Revolutions
Illustrating that the jihadist enterprise transcends all borders, American Islamist groups typically preoccupied with remaking the U.S. have been leaving their fingerprints on the campaign to exchange secular authoritarianism for religious authoritarianism in the Middle East. As these organizations labor stateside to nudge the governing class to embrace Arab Islamists at the expense of liberals — prompting Egyptian intellectual Essam Abdallah to lament that "the most dramatic oppression of the region's civil societies and the Arab Spring … is led by the powerful Islamist lobbies in Washington" — several of the groups' past and current officials have emerged as key players in the Middle East's new political landscape. The connections underscore that Islamists everywhere are united by a single goal: the imposition of Shari'a.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
American Islamists Work to Implement Shari'a in the Middle East
The following by David J. Rusin is reposted here with permission:
Arlene Kushner On The Palestinian Reaction To Romney In Israel
From Arlene Kushner:
July 31, 2012:
Doing Something Right
Mitt Romney held a fundraiser in Israel while he was here -- the first time ever for a presidential candidate. And he raised over a million dollars. That, surely, tells us something.
So does the response of spokesmen for the PA. The Palestinian Arabs are not a happy group at the moment. They are distressed that Romney didn't visit Ramallah during his trip here, and didn't meet with Mahmoud Abbas.
Video: Joy of Kosher's Jamie Geller Making Aliya
Celebrity Chef Jamie Geller to make Aliyah to Israel
Celebrity chef Jamie Geller, referred to by many as the 'Kosher Rachel Ray', is making Aliyah to Israel next month with Nefesh B’Nefesh on the organization's August 13th charter flight out of JFK airport, in cooperation with Israel’s Ministry of Immigrant Absorption and the Jewish Agency for Israel.
Video: Jews and Palestinians Break Fasts Of Tisha B'Av and Ramadan Together
When breaking the fasts of Tisha B'Av and Ramadan coincide, what could be more natural than for Jews and Arabs to get together and break their fasts together?
Well, in Tekoa, Israel, Rabbi Menachem Fruman decided that it made perfect sense and arranged for a small group of Arabs and Jews to break their fasts together.
Here is the news coverage on Israeli TV:
Well, in Tekoa, Israel, Rabbi Menachem Fruman decided that it made perfect sense and arranged for a small group of Arabs and Jews to break their fasts together.
Here is the news coverage on Israeli TV:
Erekat's Responds To Romney By Resorting To The Same Excuse
Much has been made about the comment Mitt Romney made in Israel, when Romney referred to Israel's success being a result of "culture":
Speaking to his donors, Romney repeated that thought, adding that “as I come here, and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things.”The media has been quick to quote Saeb Erekat's response to Romney:
"It is a racist statement and this man doesn’t realize that the Palestinian economy cannot reach its potential because there is an Israeli occupation," said Saeb Erekat, a senior aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.But of course, Romney is correct: Israel's success is due to its culture.
Video: In Search Of Israel's Capital...In Tel Aviv
In the latest manifestation of media bias, the British tabloid, The Guardian, took it upon itself in April to declare not only that Jerusalem was not the capital of Israel, but that Tel Aviv was.
In a lighthearted jab at The Guardian, HonestReporting went to Tel Aviv, looking for the capital of Israel:
In a lighthearted jab at The Guardian, HonestReporting went to Tel Aviv, looking for the capital of Israel:
Monday, July 30, 2012
Why There Is No Need For Us To Make Concessions To Islamic Law
The following by Mark Durie is reposted here with permission:
The Ramadan Olympics and Islam's "Law of Necessity"
Islam is a flexible religion: religious obligations allow exceptions, subject to circumstances. Muslim religious scholars balance countervailing obligations to determine when exceptions apply. Understanding such balancing of necessities in Islam is not only important for public policy, but also for understanding how an identical set of religious beliefs can be used to justify war or peace, terrorism or peaceful coexistence.
Egypt Insulted By Israeli Children Building Temple Out Of Sand
Perhaps you remember the video of Safwat Higazi, supporter of president Mohamed Morsi, campaigning for his friend during the weeks leading up to the election. Higazi's medieval ranting about creating the capital of a united Arab state in Jerusalem found a welcome audience in the equally crazed Egyptian crowd:
Why Does Obama Administration Exaggerate The Issue Of Jerusalem?
We are all familiar with the issue the predates the Obama administration about where the US embassy should be located: Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.
But that does not explain the embarrassing inability of the Obama administration to address head-on the issue of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
As Elliott Abrams points out, there is no reason--historically or politically--for Obama not to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
But that does not explain the embarrassing inability of the Obama administration to address head-on the issue of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
As Elliott Abrams points out, there is no reason--historically or politically--for Obama not to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Arlene Kushner On Romney's Tisha B'av Speech--In Comparison With Obama
From Arlene Kushner
July 30, 2012
Genuine Hope This Time
Yesterday was Tisha B'Av, the saddest day in the Jewish calendar. (Actually, Shabbat was Tisha B'Av, but we are not permitted to mourn on Shabbat.) It is the day that marks the destruction of the two Temples in Jerusalem and other calamities in Jewish history as well. We fast, refrain from the wearing of leather as a sign of mourning, chant Eicha (the Book of Lamentations) and kinot (dirges referring to the Temple and other Jewish suffering).Most often mention of Tisha B'Av brings to mind thoughts of the destruction of the Second Temple, 2,000 years ago, by the Romans.
The Middle East Media Sampler 7/30/2012: Implications and Reactions To Romney In Israel
From DG:
1) The bigger schlep The electoral battle for the pro-Israel vote continues. This week's Mishpacha magazine had an item about the extensive voter registration drive in Israel by Republicans. (The article notes that Obama won about 25 percent of the Israeli American vote in 2008, so this likely has less to do with increasing the percentage of voters, but the number of voters.) With Gov. Romney's trip to Israel this weekend coverage of the two candidates' views on Israel have received extensive coverage. The Washington Post started with Mitt Romney likely to get a warm welcome in Israel:
Will The Iraq and Turkey Models Of Democracy Catch On In The Arab World?
The following is reposted with permission:
Are Iraq and Turkey Models for Democratization?
In the wake of the upheavals that have shaken the Arab world since December 2010, activists, politicians, and analysts have all been searching for new, democratic models of governance that could come into force in these lands. The cases of Iraq and Turkey are perhaps the most obvious choices to examine based on the notion that these are the only examples of functioning democracies within Muslim-majority nations of the Middle East.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Videos: Bob Costas and Brian Williams Condemn Olympic Failure To Commemorate Munich Massacre
Two sports broadcasters who condemned the Olympic Committee's failure to commemorate the athletes were who murdered at the Olympics in the Munich Massacre:
Bob Costas on Olympic Committe president Rogge's refusal to honor the victims of Palestinian terrorism on the 40th anniversary of the Munich Massacre:
Bob Costas on Olympic Committe president Rogge's refusal to honor the victims of Palestinian terrorism on the 40th anniversary of the Munich Massacre:
Romney's Tisha B'Av Appearance In Israel Emphasizes Wide Gap With Obama
I know that that there are those who would argue that in some ways America has become a safe refuge for the Jewish people, but if you’ve gone through the Holocaust, then that does not offer the same sense of confidence and security as the idea that the Jewish people can take care of themselves no matter what happens. That makes it a fundamentally just idea.
Obama in interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, On May 12, 2008
America's strong bonds with Israel are well known. This bond is unbreakable. It is based upon cultural and historical ties, and the recognition that the aspiration for a Jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied.
Obama in Cairo, June 4, 2009
It was not until September 23, 2010 did Obama finally, and briefly, say that Jews have a historic tie to Israel:
Israel is a sovereign state, and the historic homeland of the Jewish people.It was not until then that Obama finally showed cognizance of the fact that the Jewish connection to Israel did not begin with the Holocaust, but that the ties was a deep and ongoing historical tie.
David Efune, editor of the Algemeiner, notes that Mitt Romney clearly and publicly recognizes and talks about that basic truth. That is why, as Efune points out, there is No Better Time for Mitt Romney to Visit Israel than Tisha Be’Av:
Barry Rubin: Mitt Romney Captures Jerusalem
by Barry Rubin
Speaking to an often-cheering group of about 400 people in Jerusalem, Governor Mitt Romney gave a speech less notable for what he said that for the fact that the audience believed he was sincere in saying it.
At a beautiful outdoor setting with the Old City in the background, Romney declared his strong support for Israel, using phrases often heard from American presidents. He also proclaimed his view that Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal capital. The difference, of course, is that those listening were less inclined to think that when President Barack Obama said similar things to AIPAC meetings he was describing his own views and policies.
Clearly, Romney was restrained by the American principle that partisan politics stops at the water’s edge, that no politician should criticize a president or U.S. government while abroad. Thus, Obama’s name—or even his specific policies—was never explicitly mentioned.
Daniel Pipes: Romney's Remarkable Speech in Jerusalem (With Full Text)
The following by Daniel Pipes is reposted here with permission.
The complete text of Romney's speech follows below.
The complete text of Romney's speech follows below.
Romney's Remarkable Speech in Jerusalem
Mitt Romney, the all-but-official Republican presidential candidate, delivered a stem-winder of a speech to the Jerusalem Foundation today, packing emotional support with frank policy statements. The contrast with Obama could hardly be more dramatic. Indeed, one could go through the speech and note the many refutations of Obama. For example, the opening comment that "To step foot into Israel is to step foot into a nation that began with an ancient promise made in this land" directly contrasts with Obama's crabbed statement in Cairo about "the aspiration for a Jewish homeland [being] rooted in a tragic history."
Mitt Romney speaking before a backdrop of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Barry Rubin: Understanding Real Israeli Politics
Understanding Real Israeli Politics
“Can’t anybody here play this game?”
--Casey Stengel, New York Yankees’ manager
By Barry Rubin
Stengel’s complaint is the precise description of Israeli politics nowadays. To a remarkable extent—and this has nothing to do with his views or policies—Bibi Netanyahu is the only functioning politician in Israel today. No wonder he is prime minister, will finish his current term, and will almost certainly be reelected in 2013.
Consider the alternatives. The number one such option is Shaul Mofaz who is head of Kadima. Mofaz was a competent general but is a dreadful politician. He may be the least charismatic man I’ve ever met. Tsippi Livni, his predecessor, was a disaster as leader of the self-described centrist party. Here is a list of her major failures:
Alger Hiss and the Obama Administration’s Blindspot Toward The Islamist Threat
Alger Hiss, The “Loss” of China, and the Obama Administration’s Blindspot Toward The Islamist Threat
by Barry Rubin
When Andrew McCarthy drew a parallel between the treatment of State Department official (and Soviet spy) Alger Hiss in the 1940s and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin Weiner today it reminded me of an interesting discovery from my own research, as documented in my history of the State Department, Secrets of State. As Andrew McCarthy notes, after Hiss was accused of being a Soviet spy and convicted of perjury, Secretary of State Dean Acheson–a friend and colleague in his law firm of Hiss’s brother–defended the accused spy.
This doesn’t mean that Huma Abedin Weiner–whose father, mother, and brother were very active in the Muslim Brotherhood and who herself worked for Brotherhood front groups–is guilty of any misbehavior. After all, Alger Hiss’s brother, Donald, was a respected lawyer who never did anything wrong either. A key influence in Alger’s life were the political views of his wife. And while Huma’s spouse, Anthony Weiner, has certain personal issues being a Muslim Brotherhood person isn’t one of them. On the other hand, though, Alger, unlike Huma–to continue the analogy–was never an official in a Communist front group.
Yet the Hiss case does offer us a lot of lessons for today.
Friday, July 27, 2012
IOC President Jacques Rogge Looks Good In A Keffiyah
IOC President Jacques Rogge Demonstrates His Objectivity while in the Palestinian territories 2 years ago:
The caption reads:
Video: Where's President Obama? (Anywhere But Israel)
Today the Emergency Committee for Israel released a 30-second TV ad called "Postcards" that highlights Obama's "daylight" strategy:
Here's the video:Where's President Obama?
He's quite a world traveler. But not to Israel. An oversight? Or an indication? According to a front-page story in the Washington Post two weeks ago, Obama has pursued a strategy of putting "daylight" between the U.S. and Israel. He's traveled to the Middle East multiple times -- to accept an award in Saudi Arabia, to give a major speech in Cairo, to hold town hall meetings in Turkey -- but never stopped to visit our closest ally in the region.
Hundreds Gather in Trafalgar Square to Remember 11 Murdered Israeli Athletes
Hundreds gather in Trafalgar Square to remember 11 murdered Israeli athletes
This morning at 10.45 BST around 400 people gathered in London's Trafalgar Square at a vigil organised by the British Israel Coalition, to remember the athletes murdered by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Munich Olympics. The gathering was a response to the International Olympic Committee's sustained refusal to include a minute of silence in the opening ceremony due to be held tonight.
Videos: Obama Administration Doesn't Like Talking About Jerusalem Any More
These days, the Obama administration really does not like talking about the "J" word.
Just yesterday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney wants to avoid talking about Jerusalem in the worst way:
Just yesterday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney wants to avoid talking about Jerusalem in the worst way:
Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2012
The following by Raymond Ibrahim is reposted with permission:
Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2012
U.S.-backed rebels are committing Christian genocide in Syria, where they are sacking churches and issuing threats that all Christians will be cleansed from rebel-held territory. A mass exodus of thousands of Christians is taking place, even as mainstream Western reporters like Robert Fisk demonize those same Christians for being supportive of the secular regime.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Arlene Kushner On Palestinian Condemnation Of Minute Of Silence
From Arlene Kushner
July 26, 2012
Sometimes the PA comes out with a statement that is so ludicrous that the impulse is to simply laugh at it. This is the case with the statement made by Jibril Rajoub, President of the Palestinian Olympic Committee, in a letter sent to President of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge, thanking him for his stand in refusing a moment of silence for the Israeli Olympic athletes massacred 40 years ago in Munich:"Sports are a bridge to love, interconnection, and spreading of peace among nations; it must not be a cause of division and spreading of racism between them."
Blackmail: Arab States Threatened To Walk If Olympics Have Moment Of Silence
The Algemeiner reports Olympic Committee VP: Fear of Arab Boycott Led to Minute of Silence Rejection:
So the issue was just whether the OIC was going to cave into threats.
And we have our answer.
Technorati Tag: Israel and London Olympics and Munich Massacre.
According to an interview given by Thomas Bach, the Vice President of the International Olympic Committee, the threats to boycott the opening ceremony made by Arab states in the event of an official minute of silence, have led the IOC to mark the 40 year anniversary in other ways, including a minute of silence on Monday inside the Olympic Village, led by IOC President Jacques Rogge.Imagine that: it looks like the Olympic Committee was right all along--it is political!
The Arab boycott “had been a possibility, according to some of our advice”, Bach said according to Israel’s Channel 2 news.
So the issue was just whether the OIC was going to cave into threats.
And we have our answer.
Technorati Tag: Israel and London Olympics and Munich Massacre.

There Is Precedent For Olympics Honoring Civilians Murdered By Terrorists
Back in February 2002, the San Francisco Chronicle reported on the moment of silence at the Winter Olympics for the victims of 9/11:
Sixty thousand people stood as one in respectful silence at the start of the program when the tattered American flag, recovered from the rubble of the World Trade Center disaster, was carried into the stadium by eight U.S. athletes accompanied by three New York Port Authority police officers.
Ad: What Liberals Are Saying About President Obama And Israel
Today the Emergency Committee for Israel published a full-page ad in 23 Jewish newspapers across America highlighting liberal criticism of President Obama's Israel record. Relying on the words of prominent figures such as Abe Foxman and Martin Indyk, the ad details Obama's deeply troubled relationship with the pro-Israel community over the last three years, and the mounting danger to Israel posed by an Iranian regime that is closer than ever to obtaining a nuclear weapon.
ECI's executive director, Noah Pollak, said:
ECI's executive director, Noah Pollak, said:
"President Obama has been trying to have it both ways -- pursuing policies that weaken the U.S.-Israel alliance while boasting on the campaign trail that he is the most pro-Israel president since Truman. As the Obama campaign attempts to mislead about the president's record, it is important that American Jews understand what many prominent liberals are now conceding -- this president's approach to Israel has been hostile, ineffective, and at odds with the promises he made in 2008."Here is the ad--What They're Saying About President Obama and Israel
Chutzpah: Palestinians Murder Israeli Athletes--Then Cry Its Racism To Commemorate
The Palestinian Authority is against the moment of silence at the Olympics to commemorate the Israeli athletes murdered at the Munich Olympics in 1972. According to the headline in the official PA daily, "Sports are meant for peace, not for racism."
According to Jibril Rajoub, President of the Palestinian Olympic Committee:
"Sports are meant for peace, not for racism... Sports are a bridge to love, interconnection, and spreading of peace among nations; it must not be a cause of division and spreading of racism between them [nations]."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 25, 2012]
PA against moment of silence at Olympics: "Sports are meant for peace, not for racism", Palestinian Media Watch
Of course, no one would expect the Palestinian Authority to apologize for murdering Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.
No, seriously: no one would expect it.
And neither would one expect the cruel hypocrisy of today's Palestinian leadership to draw reaction from the global community either:
Jibril Rajoub lectures the world that sports are for peace and love, and not for spreading racism--when Palestinian terrorists murdered athletes at the world's greatest sports event specifically because they were Israelis.
More to the point: the Palestinian Authority is proud to have killed Israeli athletes.
Very proud.
Palestine Media Watch documents that wo proud are they of the Munich Massacre, that the Palestinians cannot stop praising the killers of the athletes, and even vow to follow in their path --
The Middle East Media Sampler 7/26/2012: Palestinians Can't Afford A State
From DG:
1) Unsustainable
The AP reports World Bank Says Palestinian Economy Unsustainable:
The study's author, John Nasir, said the Palestinian Authority has made steady progress toward establishing a future state, "but the economy is currently not strong enough to support such a state."
Is J Street Admitting That Obama Is Bad For Israel?
According to the New York Times, it appears that no less than the president of J Street admits that Obama is not a friend of Israel
Jeremy Ben-Ami, the president of J Street, a Jewish lobbying group in Washington that favors Democratic candidates, said the effort by Mr. Adelson and the Republican Jewish Coalition would fall short.
“Every single number indicates there is simply no such thing as a Jewish problem for the president,” Mr. Ben-Ami said. “The people who vote only on Israel didn’t vote for Obama last time and know who they are voting for already.” [emphasis added]
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
World Bank Wakes Up To The Fact That A Palestinian State Is Not Economically Feasible
Donor countries meeting in Brussels recognized on Wednesday that the "Palestinian Authority (PA) is above the threshold of a functioning state" - an assessment immediately hailed as a "birth certificate" for a Palestinian state by PA premier Salam Fayyad.
In recent months, the World Bank, the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have certified that Fayyad's state-building plans are on track for completion in mid-2011.
Palestinians hail international 'birth certificate' of statehood, Haaretz, April 13, 2011
That was then.
This is now.
And somehow, in the interim, the Palestinian Authority transformed from being on the threshold of a functioning state to being a political and economic disaster.
How Obama Has Supported The Muslim Brotherhood Over Past 3 Years
This year so far, we have seen the Obama administration release $1.5 billion in foreign aid to Egypt, the US recognition of Morsi's victory in the Egyptian presidential election (despite election fraud), a banned Egyptian terrorist who visits the White House and Obama's invitation to Morsi to visit in September.
What else has Obama done during his term as president to encourage Muslim extremists in general and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular?
Investor's Business Daily has a timeline of How Obama Engineered Mideast Radicalization.
Here is a partial list:
What else has Obama done during his term as president to encourage Muslim extremists in general and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular?
Investor's Business Daily has a timeline of How Obama Engineered Mideast Radicalization.
Here is a partial list:
- 2009: The Brotherhood's spiritual leader — Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi — writes an open letter to Obama arguing terrorism is a direct response to U.S. foreign policy.
- 2009: Obama travels to Cairo to deliver apologetic speech to Muslims, and infuriates the Mubarak regime by inviting banned Brotherhood leaders to attend. Obama deliberately snubs Mubarak, who was neither present nor mentioned. He also snubs Israel during the Mideast trip.
Apparently, #Palestinians Prefer Terrorism To A Minute Of Silence
The Arab pressure to prevent a minute of silence at the London Olympics makes clear where they stand on the issue, but what do the Palestinian Arabs think of it?
Palestinian Arabs claim Israel's minute of silence at the London Olympics is a distraction:
Palestinian Arabs claim Israel's minute of silence at the London Olympics is a distraction:
But in the poisoned atmosphere of Palestinian-Israeli relations, the Israeli request is seen by Palestinians as a political stunt. Leading Palestinian politicians oppose the moment of silence, viewing it as a ploy to cast Israel as the victim in the conflict and to distract attention from Israeli practices today, including the military occupation of the West Bank.
Munich Olympic Massacre: Germany Bungling AND Cover Up
The Der Spiegel article that reveals Munich Olympics Massacre Officials Ignored Warnings of Terrorist Attack, also reveals that German officials also hid the extent to which they bungled the situation:
Already on Sept. 7, just one day after the memorial ceremony for the victims took place in Munich's Olympic Stadium, a Foreign Ministry official told a special sitting of the federal cabinet what would ultimately become the maxim for both Bavarian and West German officials. "Mutual incriminations must be avoided," a protocol for the meeting reads. "Also, no
Recent Examples Of Obama's Disastrous Middle East Policy
Andrew McCarthy writes that there are Questions about Huma Abedin, one of Hillary Clinton's top advisers in the State Department. In the course of writing about Abedin's various connections with the Muslim Brotherhood and the potential for undue influence the Muslim Brotherhood may be exerting in the Obama Whitehouse, McCarthy discusses some of the bad policy decisions the Obama administration has made recently:
- The State Department has an emissary in Egypt who trains operatives of the Brotherhood and other Islamist organizations in democracy procedures.
The Middle East Media Sampler 7/25/2012: Trends In The Jewish Vote For The 2012 Election
From DG:
1) How Jews vote and why
David Bernstein writes about a recently released analysis by the Solomon Project on trends in the American Jewish vote:
If one digs a bit deeper into the report, one learns that current trends suggest that the American Jewish electorate will grow less Democratic in the future. First, unlike the rest of the electorate young Jews have been less likely to vote for Democratic presidential candidates over the least three elections. Indeed, about 75% Jews under 30 voted for the Democrat (compared to about 85% of the over-60 crowd)* [by the way, this renders the premise behind Sarah Silverman's "Great Schlep" rather ridiculous, no? Maybe the alter kockers in Boca should be going up to Pennsylvania and Ohio to persuade their grandchildren to vote Democrat, rather than vice versa],(the study tabulates the last three elections together for age].
Video: News Report Follows Israeli Humanitarian Workers In Syria
The following is a news report on Israel's Channel Two News on June 4, 2012 on the activities of a group of Israeli humanitarianism aid workers, working under assumed identities. The report follows the workers as they distribute humanitarian aid to penniless Syrian refugees in Jordan, while evading hostile authorities.
There are English captions and the leader of the group speaks English as well:
There are English captions and the leader of the group speaks English as well:
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Syria Finally Admits It Has WMD
The following by Efraim Karsh is reposted with permission:
Syria's Weapons at the Ready
July 24, 2012For immediate releaseAfter years of denials, the Syrian regime has admitted to possessing a weapons-grade chemical arsenal. Despite a disclaimer that such weapons would never be used "inside Syria," Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi cautioned that Syria would not hold back if "exposed to external aggression." Many analysts see these statements as a warning to Israel, the United States, and other allied countries not to attempt an armed intervention in the Syrian crisis. U.S. intelligence officials are monitoring a disturbing rise in activity and movement of chemical weapons by the regime.
Will Obama Condemn Richard Falk's Latest Antisemitic Attack?
I formed a well-evidenced belief that the US Government and the organized Jewish community were responsible for the massive and enduring confiscation of Palestinian land and rights.
Richard Falk
The embarrassing Richard Falk does it again.
In the past:
- Richard Falk published a blatantly antisemitic cartoon showing a bloodthirsty dog wearing a Jewish religious head-covering. The High Commissioner called Falk's action "anti-Semitic" and "objectionable. British Prime Minister David Cameron also condemned it.
Arlene Kushner On The Threat Of Chemical Weapons In Syria
From Arlene Kushner:
July 24, 2012:
I begin today by sharing the URL for my new article: Why Republicans Must Take The Lead On Israel
It makes significant points with regard to the fact that it may be prudent, helpful and timely for decision-makers and politicians on the right in the US -- most notably Republicans -- to move beyond dead but politically correct positions and support Israel's right to settle in all of Judea and Samaria.
The 90th Anniversary Of The Palestine Mandate And The Rights It Grants To Jews In The Land
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Palestine Mandate, Eli E. Hertz, President of writes that the Mandate for Palestine Still Matters 90 Years Later.
As opposed to the Balfour Declaration, where British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour expressed Great Britain’s view with favor for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people," The Mandate for Palestine is a legally binding agreement granting Jews the right to settle anywhere in that land--from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. It is a agreement that is binding in accordance with international law.
Even today.
As opposed to the Balfour Declaration, where British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour expressed Great Britain’s view with favor for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people," The Mandate for Palestine is a legally binding agreement granting Jews the right to settle anywhere in that land--from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. It is a agreement that is binding in accordance with international law.
Even today.
Arlene Kushner: Why Republicans Must Take the Lead on Israel
The following by Arlene Kushner is reposted with permission
Why Republicans Must Take the Lead on Israel
by Arlene Kushner
There is a truism – “You can’t be more Catholic than the pope” – that is rather scrupulously adhered to in political circles.
With regard to Israel, this bit of political wisdom suggests that it is inappropriate for U.S. politicians, whatever their predilections or convictions, to move to the right of the Israeli government on issues of Israel’s claim to Judea and Samaria (aka the West Bank).
However remote the possibility of negotiations between the PLO and Israel – however clear the evidence that the Arabs don’t want a negotiated settlement, but want the Jews gone, the notion of a “two-state solution” continues to be the politically correct mantra in the U.S.
As long as that “solution” remains the official position of the Israeli government, and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu persists in his calls for PA president Abbas to come to the table without pre-conditions, Republican members of Congress are reluctant to advance positions to the right of what he is saying. Republican policy-makers are waiting for the Israeli government to make the first move.
It is time for Republican decision-makers to move beyond this conventional wisdom. For, in fact, a vast historical opportunity awaits them if they are bold enough to seize it.
A Review Of 60 Years Of Military Rule In Egypt. Now What?
The following by Daniel Pipes is reposted here with permission:
Egypt's Sixty Years of Misery
This week marks 60 years since Egypt's self-proclaimed Free Officers overthrew the constitutional monarchy of King Farouq – and the first anniversary when one can imagine the demise of the military despotism that so long has wounded the country. Sadly, its most likely replacement will bring on an even worse rule.
The Middle East Media Sampler 7/24/2012: Duck! You're On Egyptian Candid Camera
From DG:
1) Candid Egyptian Camera
A number of bloggers have written about the MEMRI video of Egyptian actors appearing on a TV show under the pretext that it's an interview with a German TV station. Then it slips that it is really an Israeli TV show and the subjects fly into rages over the deception. In the end each one is told that it was all a joke and the hosts and producers are all good Egyptians and Muslims and all is well.
Pat Condell: American Dhimmi--The Failure of Barack Obama And The US
Pat Condell is back.
He talks about the failure of the US in general and of Obama in particular--especially in protecting Christians from Muslim prosecution:
He talks about the failure of the US in general and of Obama in particular--especially in protecting Christians from Muslim prosecution:
Monday, July 23, 2012
Oh Goody! Obama Campaign Promises He'll Visit Israel--If He's Re-Elected
Obama has been in office three and a half years, and he has had time to do more fundraisers than any other first-term American president, has probably played more rounds of golf than any other president since Dwight Eisenhower, and yet he has not had time to fit into his busy schedule even one trip to Israel
Former U.N. ambassador John Bolton to WABC Radio's Aaron Klein
Now we are told that Obama will be able to find time to visit Israel -- during his second term as president:“
We can expect him to visit Israel in a second term should he be elected," Colin Kahl, the former deputy assistant secretary of Defense for the Middle East, said on a conference call with reporters.Does this announcement add any credence to Jennifer Rubin's theory that Obama team nervous about Romney overseas trip.
The Hypocrisy Of The Refusal To Commemorate Munich Massacre At London Olympics
In her article "Jewish Blood Is Cheap", Deborah E. Lipstadt gives the real reason the Olympic Committee refuses to commemorate the Israeli athletes murdered in Munich
Why the IOC refusal? The Olympic Committee’s official explanation is that the games are apolitical. The families were repeatedly told by long-time IOC President Juan Samaranch that the Olympic movement avoided political issues. He seemed to have forgotten that at the 1996 opening ceremony he spoke about the Bosnian war. Politics were also present at the 2002 games, which opened with a minute of silence for the victims of 9/11.
Parragon Books: 1929 Hebron Massacre of Jews By Arabs Was Just A "Conflict"
The Small Matter of 1929
Rabbi Avi Shafran
July 9, 2012
Parragon Books Ltd
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing as the public affairs director of a national Jewish organization, Agudath Israel of America, whose Education Affairs division services Jewish private schools across North America.
A constituent who serves as a school librarian in two New York private schools has called to our attention some disturbing passages in a Parragon-published text.
Satire: Barry Rubin: Our Foreign Correspondent Covers the Revolution
by Barry Rubin
Continue reading Our Foreign Correspondent Covers the RevolutionNote the following is satire, even though it is just about precisely what actually happens:
A man stands in a square, somewhere in the Middle East, screaming slogans: “Jihad is the only way! Down with America! Death to Israel!” An American reporter approaches.
“Excuse me, sir, but I’m an American journalist and wonder if I might ask you some questions.”
“Sharia is the only…Oh, sure, just a moment.” The man clears his throat, “Long live democracy! Up with human rights!” He turns to the reporter, “Hi, my American friend. Have a nice day! What do you think of the Red Sox’s chances? Of course, they could use more depth in the bull pen!”
“I wanted to ask you what you think of America.”
“America? Very nice place. I might like to live there some day if I’m sent on a mission. We love Americans. We just don’t like their policies. They support Israel.
They support our local dictator. If only they would change their ways we could be good friends.” He reaches into his pocket, “Have a sunflower seed!”
Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader(seventh edition), The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East
(Wiley), and The Truth About Syria
(Palgrave-Macmillan). His latest book is Israel: An Introduction, was published by Yale University Press in January 2012. You can read more of Barry Rubin's posts at Rubin Reports, and Rubin Reports, on Pajamas Media
Technorati Tag: Middle East and Islamism and Media Bias.

The Middle East Media Sampler 7/23/2012: The Need For The "Israeli Occupation" Myth
From DG:
1) The necessity of "occupation"
In The Levy report and the "occupation" narrative Dore Gold writes ( via Daily Alert):
At the end of the day, there is a huge difference in how a compromise will look if Israel’s negotiating team comes to the peace table as “foreign occupiers,” who took someone else’s land, or if they come as a party that also has just territorial claims. If the Palestinians are constantly fed the “occupation” narrative by the international community, their propensity to consider making a real compromise, which is critical for any future agreement, will be close to nil. In fact, this false narrative only reinforces their mistaken belief in the delegitimization campaign against Israel as an alternative to seeking a negotiated settlement of the conflict.
Murderer Anders Breivik Quotes Conservatives--And Muslims, Christians...And Sitting Bull Too
The Left Distorts Breivik's Mental World
Immediately after Anders Behring Breivik committed his terrorist atrocity in Norway a year ago today, killing 77, the Center for American Progress, a $38 million-a-year liberal think tank, rushed out (under its ThinkProgress imprint) a graphic that helpfully pointed out how often Breivik had cited 11 of what it called "right-wing pundits and organizations" in his manifesto, 2083 — A European Declaration of Independence.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Arlene Kushner On Latest About Israeli Victims Of Bulgarian Terrorist Bombing
From Arlene Kushner
July 22, 2012
Wishing for Good News
Wishing fervently, as a matter of fact. But compelled to report on what is...
The Israelis murdered in the terror attack in Bulgaria were brought home Thursday night. There were five Israeli victims, not seven as originally thought -- as one body was that of the Bulgarian bus driver and one that of the terrorist.
A brief military ceremony was held at the airport on their arrival.
"Five coffins," said Tourism Minister Stas Meseznikov, "five dreams and one giant hole in our hearts."
The Middle East Media Sampler 7/22/2012: New York Times Blind Hate Of Israel
From DG:
1) It's 12:30 AM do you know where your opinions are?
Nearly 30 years ago, Anthony Lewis wrote a column for the New York Times about a study performed by former deputy mayor of Jerusalem, Meron Benvenisti. The title of the column, taken from Benvensti, was Five Minutes to Midnight.
The Begin Government aims to have 100,000 settlers in the West Bank as soon as possible. That figure would be, it says, a ''critical mass'' - so large a number that no Israeli government thereafter could agree to withdraw from the territory.
"Palestine" Is Not The Only Non-Arabic Name "Palestinians" Have Co-opted
Yoram Ettinger used to have an online series called "Jerusalem Cloakroom." One of articles was entitled
Posted in 2009, the article noted the Jewish roots to the land Israel is revealed by many signs--for instance the fact that the word "Palestine" itself is not only not Arabic, but instead refers to the non-Arab Philistines, in an effort by the Romans to remove the Jewish tie to the land from history.
The letter "P" does not even occur naturally in Arabic.
Here are some of the points Yoram Ettinger raises in that article [part of the original article appears online]:
Jewish Occupation or Roots in Judea and Samaria?
Posted in 2009, the article noted the Jewish roots to the land Israel is revealed by many signs--for instance the fact that the word "Palestine" itself is not only not Arabic, but instead refers to the non-Arab Philistines, in an effort by the Romans to remove the Jewish tie to the land from history.
The letter "P" does not even occur naturally in Arabic.
Here are some of the points Yoram Ettinger raises in that article [part of the original article appears online]:
Ever Notice No One Talks About Today's Illegal Occupation by Turkey, Morocco and Russia?
Besides writing about Israel's sovereignty over the West Bank and why the term "occupation" does not apply, Dore Gold also notes the cases of foreign occupation by Turkey, Morocco and Russia that the world chooses to ignore.
Here are 3 cases of territories that came under military control of foreign forces as a result of armed conflict, and yet the word "occupied" is not being applied:
Here are 3 cases of territories that came under military control of foreign forces as a result of armed conflict, and yet the word "occupied" is not being applied:
No, According To International Law, The West Bank Is Not Occupied
Dore Gold, Israel’s former ambassador to the UN, and president of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. writes about The Levy Report and the 'occupation' narrative.
Today, the claim that Yehudah and Shomron (known as the West Bank after Jordan's illegal annexation in 1948), is occupied and that Israel are the occupiers is the perpetuation of a myth:
Today, the claim that Yehudah and Shomron (known as the West Bank after Jordan's illegal annexation in 1948), is occupied and that Israel are the occupiers is the perpetuation of a myth:
Friday, July 20, 2012
Teaching Arabic In Public Schools? Arabs May Need It More Than We Do!
It seems that it becomes a hot topic of conversation when A Harlem Elementary School Offers Arabic Lessons:
Without weighing in on either side of the issue, I offer the following article from Al Arabiya,which decries that the cultural and educational deficit in the Muslim world is so severe that Arabs read an average of 6 pages a year, study reveals.
The following paragraph in particular caught me eye:
Starting in the next school year, about 200 P.S. 368 students in second through fifth grade will be able to take Arabic language and culture classes twice a week in 45-minute sessions. They will cover a variety of subjects, including math, science and social studies as well as food, music and art.There are fears that this is another example of one-sided infiltration by a Muslim extremists, many of whom openly express a desire to spread Sharia globally.
Without weighing in on either side of the issue, I offer the following article from Al Arabiya,which decries that the cultural and educational deficit in the Muslim world is so severe that Arabs read an average of 6 pages a year, study reveals.
The following paragraph in particular caught me eye:
The Middle East Media Sampler 7/20/2012: Major Setbacks For Syria's Assad
1) "And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command"
In Assassination in Damascus, the editors of The New York Times write:
In Assassination in Damascus, the editors of The New York Times write:
For 17 months, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has waged bloody war against his people from his redoubt in Damascus, convinced that he could weather the storm. A bombing on Wednesday that killed at least three of his most senior aides — including the defense minister and Mr. Assad’s powerful brother-in-law — shows that the war can reach deeply into the capital.
Overview Of Anti-Israel Terrorism By Iran And Others
The attacks, the official said, were in retaliation for the assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists, for which Iran has blamed Israeli agents — an accusation that Israel has neither confirmed nor denied. “This was tit for tat,” said the American official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was still under way.
Hezbollah Is Blamed for Attack on Israeli Tourists in Bulgaria, New York Times, July 19,2012
The Obama official is wrong.
This is not an issue of "tit for tat".
This not even an issue of Iranian scientists.
This is about a war of terror committed against Jews and Israelis.
Jeffrey Goldberg notes that Iran's war of terror against Israel has been going on for decades:
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Barry Rubin: Islamists Are Generally Winning But Not Everywhere and Not Inevitably
by Barry Rubin
Hussein Ibish is one of the more interesting Arab writers on regional affairs. In a piece published by the liberal site “Lebanon Now” [A patronizing narrative pigeonholes Arabs] he contemplates the broader meaning of the Libyan election. Although official results are not in yet it appears that the U.S.-backed National Forces Alliance led by the NATO-installed leader, Mahmoud Jibril, won a big victory.
In this light, Ibish critiques the idea that “assumes the inexorable rise of Islamist parties.” He is right and properly adds: “Libya shows that Islamists can be defeated in contemporary Arab elections, and this should be celebrated and emulated, not ignored or dismissed.”
Part of the problem, of course, is that the mass media and the analysts it generally features have so often—with almost monopolistic power—repeated that Islamists wouldn’t win or that it didn’t matter because they are really moderate. This has created a reaction among wiser people who warn the Islamists are winning and aren’s moderate.
Arlene Kushner On Progress In Establishing Jewish Rights To Land In Israel
From Arlene Kushner:
July 19, 2012
The Balance
Today I'm going to start with the good stuff I never wrote about yesterday, because I was too heavy-hearted about the terror attack. What we must keep in mind -- why my sharing that good stuff is important -- is that in spite of the obscenities and the horrors, we are also making progress in some very positive ways.
Those who are devoted to Jewish rights in the Land saw this as a significant victory this week:
The Judea and Samaria Council for Higher Education voted on Tuesday that Ariel University Center be accorded full accredited status as a university. It will be the first institute of higher learning to be accorded this status beyond the Green Line.
Daniel Pipes: Anarchy Surrounds Israel
The following by Daniel Pipes is reposted here with permission.
Anarchy Surrounds Israel
Of Israel's neighbors, Lebanon always stood out by virtue of its weak central government, but for the first twenty years, 1948-68, this did not present difficulties to Israel; only when the Palestinian created a state-within-a-state there did its anarchy became a major challenge to the Jewish state, as symbolized by the Beirut airport raid of December 1968. Many skirmishes followed as well as two wars (those of 1982 and 2006). Lebanon remains anarchic and the home base for Hezbollah; it could well be a future Arab-Israeli battlefield.
The Middle East Media Sampler 7/19/2012 Implications Of Terrorist Bomb In Bulgarian
From DG:
1) Viva la deference
In deference to Turkey, the United States neither invited Israel to the Global Counterterrorism Forum nor listed Israel as a country suffering from terrorism. (h/t Noah Pollak)
In deference to the sensibilities of Arab nations there will be no moment of silence at the London Olympic Games later this summer to memorialize the Israeli athletes killed at the Munich Olympics in 1972.
Despite these instances of deference Israel continues to be targeted by terror.
Why The UN and EU Prefer Not Admitting Bulgaria Bombing Was A Terrorist Attack
Israeli tourists killed in Bulgaria and the UN has nothing to say. No condemnation. Website, Twitter feed, Nothing.
Marc Leibowitz, Twitter
Of course, eventually the UN did find its voice and say something. UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon condemned the terrorist bombing in Bulgaria (sort of):
New York/Beijing, 18 July 2012 - Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on the attack in Bulgaria
The Secretary-General condemns in the strongest possible terms today's deadly bombing attack on a bus carrying Israeli tourists outside of the Burgas airport in Bulgaria. The explosion reportedly killed at least seven and injured more than 30 people, some critically. The Secretary-General expresses his condolences to the victims and their families, to the Governments and people of Bulgaria and Israel.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Anne Bayefsky On The Obama Administration and The Terror Bombing In Bulgaria
For Immediate Release: July 18, 2012 | Contact: Anne Bayefsky (917) 488-1558 Follow us on Twitter |
This article by Anne Bayefsky appears today on PJ Media. The terrorist attack against Israeli civilians in Bulgaria, the flurry of drive-by visits from members of the Obama administration to Israel in the past few days, and the President’s failure to visit the Jewish state throughout his tenure, should prompt a consideration of the extent to which Mr. Obama really understands Israel’s life-and-death struggles. Particularly telling is the recent roll out of the President’s signature global anti-terrorism institution, the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF). |
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Touts Obama’s Creds at Synagogue Event, But Many Remain Unconvinced
The following by Lori Lowenthal Marcus is reprinted with permission from
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Touts Obama’s Creds at Synagogue Event, But Many Remain Unconvinced
By: Lori Lowenthal Marcus
If the goal of the Jewish Americans for Obama event was to rally the home crowd and pound away at well-worn talking points about why Jews should support Obama, an event held at a Philadelphia suburban synagogue on Monday night was just what the doctor ordered.
If the JAO’s goal was to inform and educate those who were not already fervent supporters of the president, the cantankerous headline speaker and a determined and equally partisan segment of the audience made sure that did not happen.
On Anniversary of Argentinian Bombing, Israelis In Bulgaria Targeted By Terrorists Again (3 Updates)
We deem it proven that the decision to carry out an attack July 18, 1994 on the AMIA (the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association, a Jewish charities association headquarters in Buenos Aires) was made by the highest authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran which directed Hezbollah to carry out the attack
Argentine chief prosecutor Alberto Nisman, quoted in Long War Journal, US designates two Hezbollah operatives in Venezuela as terrorists
Now, eighteen years later, there has been another terrorist attack bombing--this time in Bulgaria, even as relatives of the victims of the Argentinian terrorist attack still demand justice.
Obama Has "Outsourced" US National Security To The UN
From Anne Bayefsky:
For Immediate Release:
July 18, 2012Contact: Anne Bayefsky
(917) 488-1558
Follow us on Twitter
This article by Anne Bayefsky appears today on Fox News.
In light of the slew of deceptive accusations thrown at presidential candidate Mitt Romney for outsourcing, it is time to ask “will the real outsourcer-in-chief please stand up?” From the moment he took office, the calling card of President Obama’s foreign policy has been the outsourcing of American national security and values, most often to the United Nations. Though the strategy usually goes by the anodyne moniker of “engagement,” it has debilitated America’s interactions with enemies and allies alike.
Why Is The Muslim World Convinced The Obama Administration Supports The Muslim Brotherhood?
The following by Barry Rubin is reposted here with permission
Yankee Go Home! Saith the Good Guys
By Barry Rubin
"Which Side Are You On?
They say in Harlan County
There are no neutrals there./You'll either be a union man
Or a thug for J. H. Blair."
--Florence Reece, "Which Side are You On?" 1931
The interesting news was not that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was pelted with stuff while visiting Cairo, the important issue was who was doing the pelting. Once upon a time, anti-American radicals threw things at U.S. leaders. But now….
Reportedly, the hurlers of objects were people from the Free Egyptians Party and other Egyptian liberals. At the same time, leading Christians, including Naguib Sawiris who is the man behind that party and perhaps the most outspoken anti-Islamist figure in Egypt today, refused to meet with Hillary.
The Middle East Media Sampler 7/18/2012: End Of Likud/Kadima Coalition
From DG:
1) Coalition ends
Given the disbanding of the Plesner Committee, tasked with coming up with a plan for drafting Chareidi men two weeks ago, the dissolution of Israel's unity government is less of a surprise than its formation. Whatever else is true about Israeli politics, Binyamin Netanyahu and Likud do not appear to have been hurt much by the failure to arrives at workable solution.
In Unity Government in Israel Disbanding Over Dispute on Draft the New York Times reports:
With the economy strong and domestic terrorism all but disappeared, few doubt Mr. Netanyahu’s re-election, even if the draft failure has hurt him; now, it seems clear he will run from the right, and less likely that he would take steps on settlements or the broader Palestinian conflict that might alienate conservative and religious voters.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Oh Look: Now There's No More Daylight Between Obama And Israel!
At least that is what Democratic National Chair Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz appears to be saying. Back in February, Wasserman Schultz claimed Democrat support of Israel was just as strong as that of Republicans:
There is just no daylight between both parties’ support for Israel. The Republicans…are unfortunately working overtime to create the perception that they are the more pro-Israel body…
Arlene Kushner On Shaul Mofaz Leaving Netanyahu's Coalition
From Arlene Kushner
July 17, 2012
The Picture at Present
For the first time in a while, I am reporting on the situation of Noam Jay ben Inbar, the nine-year-old boy with cancer around his heart, whom I've been asking you to pray for -- and for whom I continue to ask you to pray, please!
The situation was horribly grim when I started writing about him. He had been discovered to have an extensive and aggressive cancer growing around his heart, which was said to be inoperable. The doctors considered him terminal and he was put in hospice care.
But when the doctors did an MRI recently they found the cancer had stopped advancing, and they decided he would be a candidate for an experimental treatment. That treatment has just begun and I know next to nothing about it -- it is not chemotherapy. Noam is the first child in Israel to receive this treatment.
It is too soon to see any results from the treatment. But even before it had begun, the boy was showing improvement -- in the sense of increased energy, better morale, some renewal of appetite, etc. With the grace of the Almighty, miracles do happen.
What I ask now, beyond prayers, is financial assistance for this treatment, from anyone who might be inclined to help. We live in a country with socialized medicine, but there is a "basket" of drugs that is included for coverage within the system.
The drug that Noam is receiving is not covered because it is experimental. It's going to cost the family over $5,000 per month (I do not know for how long -- and perhaps even the doctors don't know yet).
If you are interested in helping, please let me know and I'll send details. There are a number of ways to transmit funds. Donations -- I believe tax-deductible -- can be made via check, credit card, bank transfer, etc., including in dollars.
Thank you.
This may be a new record for brevity in terms of the length of time that a party has participated in a coalition. Today the Kadima party took a vote and decided, 24 MKs to three (Avi Dichter, Otniel Schneller and Yulia Shamalov-Berkovich), to quit the government.
Hillary's Gall: Pollard Will Stay In Prison Forever--But Israel Should Release Palestinian Terrorists!
Clinton's statements were the harshest, toughest, and most insensitive from
any American official since Vice President Biden said Pollard would be
released over his dead body
Kadima MK Ronit Tirosh
Hillary Clinton's disastrous visit to Israel will be remembered most for her cold statement denying any hope that Jonathan Pollard will be released.
It follows on another statement reflecting Clinton's chutzpah.
Seth Mandel notes that Clinton Unwittingly Makes Case Against Administration’s Mideast Policy, quoting a Haaretz report on Hillary's contradictory claim why Netanyahu should negotiate with Abbas:
Chancellor Angela Merkel Concerned Circumcision Ban Will Make Germany Laughing Stock
Arutz Sheva reports that German leader Angela Merkel is concerned that circumcision should not be criminalized in Germany:
German chancellor Angela Merkel told her party that Germany risked becoming a “laughing stock” over a court ruling criminalizing religious circumcision, according to a report in the newspaper Bild.
Barry Rubin: Will the Rebels Win Syria's Civil War and What That Means
by Barry Rubin
The tide seems to be turning in Syria. While the civil war is far from over, the regime is clearly weakening; the rebels are expanding their operations and effectiveness. There have also been more high-level defections. What does this mean and why is this happening?
There are three main factors that are making a rebel victory seem more likely.
- First, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, with Turkey’s facilitation and U.S. coordination, are sending arms to the opposition.
- Second, the regime has been rushing the same trusted units around the country to put down upsurges and these forces are getting tired and stretched thin.
- Third, President Bashar al-Assad really has nothing to offer the opposition. He won’t leave and he can’t share power. His strategy of brutal suppression and large-scale killing can neither make the opposition surrender nor wipe it out. Even if he kills civilians and demonstrators, the rebel military forces can pull back to attack another day.
The Middle East Media Sampler 7/17/2012: Obama's Middle East Failure
1) Why there is no Middle East peace
Over the weekend, the Washington Post ran a lengthy analysis, Where Obama failed on forging peace in the Middle East by former Israel correspondent, Scott Wilson.
Over the weekend, the Washington Post ran a lengthy analysis, Where Obama failed on forging peace in the Middle East by former Israel correspondent, Scott Wilson.
The way Obama managed the Israeli-Palestinian issue exhibited many of the hallmarks that have defined his first term. It began with a bid for historic change. But it foundered ultimately on his political and tactical misjudgments, on a lack of trusted relationships and on an outdated view of a conflict that many of his closest advisers imparted to him. And those advisers — veterans of the Middle East peace issue — clashed among themselves over tactics and turf.Barry Rubin observes:
Monday, July 16, 2012
Arlene Kushner On US Jews Reacting Against Levy Report; Clinton Pressure
From Arlene Kushner
July 16, 2012:
In my last posting I wrote about the Conference on the Application of Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. As I explained, a significant message that day, delivered by several speakers, was with regard to the need for the Jews of Israel to believe in their own rights."There is an absence of willingness to accept sovereignty." lamented Daphne Netanyahu. "We must be prepared to accept our rights."While Gershon Mesika asked, "Do we see ourselves as grasshoppers [as the spies coming out of Canaan did]"?~~~~~~~~~~And lo and behold! I've encountered a whole community of grasshoppers.
In The Israel-Palestinian Peace Process, The Media Ignores Half Of The Equation
Barry Rubin addresses what continues to be an unanswered question Why the Mass Media’s Best Effort to Understand Obama’s Failure to Make Israel-Palestinian Peace Fails.
Rubin's starting point is an article last year in The Washington Post by Scott Wilson: In meeting with Obama, Netanyahu rules out Israeli withdrawal to 1967 boundaries
The basic problem is that even an article that Rubin agrees is well-written and researched such as Wilson's lacks a context--there is an entire side to the Israel-Palestinian story that is being ignored:
Rubin's starting point is an article last year in The Washington Post by Scott Wilson: In meeting with Obama, Netanyahu rules out Israeli withdrawal to 1967 boundaries
The basic problem is that even an article that Rubin agrees is well-written and researched such as Wilson's lacks a context--there is an entire side to the Israel-Palestinian story that is being ignored:
Wikileaks: Thousands Of Iranian And Hezbollah Soldiers Fight In Syria For Assad
CNN reports, but says it still has not vetted the Wikileaks claim that Thousands of IRGC and Lebanese Hezbollah fighting in Syria in support of Assad:
WikiLeaks revealed in its new documents that during last June thousands of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and members of Lebanese Hezbollah were fighting in Syria in support of Assad’s regime.
Arlene Kushner On Conference on the Application of Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria
From Arlene Kushner
July 15, 2012
The Land is Ours
On Thursday, I attended the Second Annual Conference on the Application of Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, held in Hevron, at the visitors' center near the Machpela and sponsored by the Women in Green (with organization done by Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar). Several hundred people were in attendance; with perhaps miniscule exceptions of which I was unaware, they were all firm believers in the need for, and the rightness of, that sovereignty from the river the sea.What seems to me the single most important impact of a conference such as this one is that it brings together those who passionately care about this issue, providing not only information, but a huge morale boost and an opportunity to network. It's really great to be at a conference at which no one says, "Wait, what about the Palestinians' right to their state?" Because everyone gets it.~~~~~~~~~~Rather than go speaker by speaker (there were many speakers), I would like to summarize the main thrust of the speakers and touch briefly upon some points made.
Video: 60 Minutes On Nazi Archive Of 17 Million Holocaust Victims
The following story, Nazi Archive Made Public, appeared 5 years ago on 60 MINUTES. It is about a long-secret German archive containing 50 million pages of documents in the German town of Bad Arolsen on 17 million victims of the Holocaust. CBS News' Scott Pelley traveled there with three Jewish survivors who were able to see their own Holocaust records.
This story is all the more poignant considering the continued Holocaust denial in Iran and the denial speeches in the UN.
The video is divided into 2 parts:
This story is all the more poignant considering the continued Holocaust denial in Iran and the denial speeches in the UN.
The video is divided into 2 parts:
The Middle East Media Sampler 7/16/2012: New York Times Hypocrisy On Drones
From DG:
1) One politican's drone strike ...
For sheer cynicism it's hard to imagine an article more outrageous than The Moral Case for Drones appearing in the New York Times. It doesn't mean that I don't agree with the conclusion. It doesn't mean that since the article is labelled a "News Analysis" that the New York Times isn't afforded a little leeway. It's that it's hard to imagine the New York Times, under any category, publishing an unambiguous endorsement of a controversial policy except to support a politician it favors.
Why Libya May Escape The Islamist Fate Of Egypt
The following by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi is reposted here with permission:
Rethinking Libya
Pace the expectations of numerous commentators, including my own, Islamist factions have not emerged to dominate the Libyan election results. Instead, the National Forces Alliance (NFA) -- a coalition led by the former interim Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril -- has outmaneuvered the Muslim Brotherhood and the al-Watan party led by Abdelhakim Belhadj, who once headed the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group that was affiliated with al Qaeda.The Islamist factions are hoping to dominate the political process through the remaining 120 seats in the Libyan congress open to candidates who are at least nominally independent, but tally results so far suggest that even in areas where Islamists are thought to have stronger influence than in the rest of the country (e.g. the eastern city of Darna), the Muslim Brotherhood's Justice and Construction Party performed poorly against the NFA.For a fuller overview of results, see an online report by the Libya Herald, which illustrates that the defeat was even more crushing for the al-Watan party.All this indicates my assessment last October that "it is becoming increasingly apparent that Islamism will be the dominant political force in the country" has turned out to be incorrect.It was not unreasonable to express concerns regarding the influence the likes of Belhadj initially held during the interim period under the National Transitional Council (NTC), but where did I get Libya wrong?
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