Thursday, May 22, 2008

Know The Words!

Dixie Yid pointed out a new blog that came out this year--Know The Words. From his post Our Objective:
Have you ever been to a simcha where everyone is going nuts, dancing around in circles with the music blasting, and you're "singing along" to the songs? I think we've all been there, but the question is- Do we really know the words? Many a time I've found myself just mumbling along, not knowing a single word. I look around trying to read people's lips, trying to make out the words (cmon you know you've done that!). I think to myself "What am I doing??" These are the words of G-d; The words of Tanach and Chazal... the most amazing, inspirational words. Words that have the ability to really touch your Neshama. And I'm standing there pretending to know the words?!

...So that is where this blog comes in. I would like to attempt to somewhat solve this big problem of ours. Slowly but surely I hope to compile as many simcha songs as i possibly can, with their words, source, meaning, and maybe even something a little deeper...
Check out Know The Words--and the audio clips from his song index.

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