Ahmadinejad Calls Bushehr N. Power Plant Symbol of Iran- Russia TiesNo obstacle?
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stressed the necessity for the further expansion of Iran-Russia ties given the current changes in the global economy and politics, and lauded the construction of the Bushehr nuclear power plant as a symbol of the two countries' cooperation.
...As regards the upcoming inauguration of Iran's first nuclear power plant, Ahmadinejad said, "I have already talked to President Dmitri Medvedev, who told me there is no obstacle to the plant launching its operations at the scheduled time."
Let's take a look at the headlines over the past 6 years:
- February 26, 2005: Russia-Iran nuclear deal delayed
- July 25, 2007: Russia Confirms Bushehr Nuclear Plant Launch Postponed
- August 18, 2008: Bushehr station’s opening postponed for a year more
- July 21, 2009: Launch of Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant postponed
- September 28, 2010: Iran announces new delays at Bushehr nuclear plant – but denies Stuxnet link
- April 26, 2011 Stuxnet Has Completely Paralyzed Iran’s Bushehr Plant
- August 14, 2011: Bushehr nuclear plant inauguration postponed to December
let's hope he's right
Technorati Tag: Iran and Russia and Hamas and Operation Cast Lead.

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