Monday, June 04, 2012

HonestReporting Launches Blankfeld Award For Quality Journalism


For immediate release: June 4, 2012

HonestReporting has launched the new Blankfeld Award for Quality Journalism for aspiring journalists who demonstrate a commitment to the values of objective and honest reporting, specifically in the field of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The award is dedicated to the memory of Eli Blankfeld, a journalist who documented Jewish life in Germany after World War II and during the period surrounding the creation of the State of Israel, after having lost his parents and sisters during the Holocaust.

An award of $2000 will be made to one recipient currently in full-time education. The recipient will also be committed to producing at least one original piece of writing for publication on the HonestReporting website.

A selection panel including HonestReporting staff and board members will choose the successful recipient of the Award. We expect the successful Award recipient will be announced in August 2012.

Eli Blankfeld, in whose memory the award is dedicated to, was the father of HonestReporting board member Max Blankfeld who has personally sponsored the award. Mr. Blankfeld said:

“So much of the reporting on Israel and the Middle East is flawed in a way that my late father would not have recognized. I hope that the Blankfeld Award winner will embody those journalistic values that my father cherished and can play just a small part in demonstrating how Israel can and should be covered professionally by the media.”

HonestReporting CEO Joe Hyams adds:

“HonestReporting is proud to be able to offer the Blankfeld Award. We believe that this will be another important vehicle to add to our many activities in the field of promoting responsible, fair and accurate coverage of Israel.”


With over 170,000 subscribers worldwide, HonestReporting is the world’s largest media watchdog organization dedicated to ensuring that Israel is represented fairly and accurately in the media. HR monitors the media, exposes cases of bias, promotes balance, and effects change through education and action.

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