The latest missive to be released by a group of elder statesmen intent on elbowing their way into the Israeli-Arab conflict takes "engagement" with Hamas to a new level: it advocates inviting the terror group to the upcoming Annapolis conference...Brzezinski had a conference call with reporters where he apparently expanded on his thinking:"We believe that a genuine dialogue with the organization is far preferable to its isolation," said the letter signed by both Democrats and Republicans. The signatories were: former national security advisors Zbigniew Brzezinski and Brent Scowcroft; former U.S. trade representative Carla Hills; former Republican Sen. Nancy Kassebaum-Baker; former Fed chairman Paul Volcker, former U.N. ambassador Thomas Pickering; former Democratic Rep. Lee Hamilton who is co-chair of the Iraq Study Group and Theodore Sorensen, an adviser to President John F. Kennedy.
"We have no illusions that the dialogue will be easy, but we also know that Hamas has people in it who are realistic and know that a permanent state of war and conflict is not going to be conducive to a better future for the Palestinians."This of course assumes that Hamas gives priority to Palestinian Arabs above the destruction of Israel--and I'd like to hear Brzezinski identify those realistic Hamas officials.
Or maybe he could explain this part of the letter:
In order to enhance Israel's confidence in the process, Arab states that currently do not enjoy diplomatic relations with Israel should attend the conference.Just how would inviting those countries actually enhance Israel's confidence?
Anything is possible in the land of make-believe.
Technorati Tag: Hamas.

1 comment:
This is makes as much sense as discussing quantum physics with an 8-yr old. Hamas needs to be removed because they will never be a partner for peace, nor are they, as a terrorist entity, worthy of being invited to a diplomatic function. Olmert probably hand-addressed each invitation.
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