Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Jeffrey Goldberg Worries About Islamists--But Also Those Christian Extremists And Jews

Jeffrey Goldberg writes about Three Terrorist Attacks I Worry About the Most.

Goldberg's fear is of the lone wolf radical who will carry out a terrorist attack with world-changing implications.

Interestingly, Goldberg writes:
Of course, the main terrorist threat to global security still emanates from Islamist groups: al-Qaeda, Qaeda affiliates and those inspired by the Qaeda message. But al-Qaeda itself has little ability now to launch a world-changing attack.
That is an odd thing to write, when what he is afraid of are "lone wolves or small, self- radicalized cells are difficult to stop. And the target is exposed." Odd that he would discount any group when an attack requires so little in terms of numbers or arms.

But while Goldberg makes a passing reference to his fear of the Islamist threat and secondly of "an assault by a white, Christian extremist agitated by the imagined specter of worldwide Muslim domination"--Goldberg dedicates his article to his fear of the Jewish terrorists in the state of Israel.

Victor Shikhman notes that for Goldberg Jewish Men With Kippas Are "Radicals", "Terrorists", and writes:
Jeffrey Goldberg's rather ostentatious behavior of late - joining Gal Beckerman in policing the "Occupation" consensus, badgering Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister, calling Jews he doesn't agree with fascists, among other activities - has drawn my attention. His self-referential preening, which I once mistook for self-deprecating humor, appears to have peaked, assisted by those with an interest in domesticating a renowned American Jewish Zionist who can direct profanities and ad-hominem attacks at other Jews without incurring consequence. Fine, we all have to make a living.

On Tuesday, Jeffrey published a piece on Bloomberg describing his three worst terrorist fears. Predictably, and rather helpfully for those who are cultivating Goldberg as an asset in the struggle against Jewish sovereignty, the prospect of "messianic" Jewish terrorism took up half the article. Because, as we all know, one out of every trillion human beings has been gravely affected by the deeply deplorable scourge of "messianic" Jewish terrorism. eeZrrraeli hasbara about the ongoing slaughter in Syria or the starvation crisis in Africa cannot be allowed to change the subject from this intolerable situation of "messianic" Jewish terrorism, which demands the immediate attention of America's best known Jewish journalist cum blogger.

Jeffrey Goldberg, respected Jewish-American journalist, felt it was his duty to broadcast to humanity that Jews who believe in the coming of a Messiah - thus earning the "messianic" adjective - are a clear and present danger to world peace. That belief in the coming of a Messiah constitutes one of the 13 Principles of the Jewish Faith, adhered to by all observant Jews throughout history, without a single resultant incident of bloodshed or violence, is irrelevant. For Jeffrey, the important point was to draw a false equivalence between Islamist fanaticism and Jewish virtue; to ensure that civilized people learn to be frightened of Jews, particularly Jews who lovingly adhere to the statutes of their faith, no less than they are of Islamists, and preferably more so. Mission accomplished, indeed.

But wait, there's more! Who are these "messianic" Jewish terrorists, and where are they hiding?
Read the whole thing.

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