Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Will Iran Use Egypt To Open Another Front Against Israel?

We believe that Iran is capable of solving all regional problems
Egyptian official

Last week I wrote about an article by Benny Morris describing how Iran could serve as a model for Egypt:
The Turks may soon find an emulator in Egypt, where Islamists seem set to take over the state by democratic means. The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist parties are favored to win the forthcoming general elections and may be expected to follow the selfsame Turkish "softly, softly" paradigm, in which a state is gradually subordinated to Islam and removed from the West's orbit by a slow, incremental process, stretching over years or even decades, which the West barely notices and finds itself unable to counter.
According to an Iranian news site quoted by IMRA, it looks like Egypt is not going to wait until elections--Egypt is already talking about following Iran's example:

Chairman of Majlis National Security and Foreign
Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi said that Iran is ready to make its
experience available to Egypt.

...Boroujerdi, who is currently in Cairo to present invitation letters to an
international seminar on Palestine to be held in Tehran added that given the
current situation in Egypt, Iran is not in a hurry to establish official
ties with the country.
While Iran appears cautious, Egypt feels it is more than ready:
Addressing the gathering, an Egyptian figure said that his nation considers
Iran’s dignity its own.

“We believe that Iran is capable of solving all regional problems,” he said,
adding that the nation favors the establishment of ties with Iran at the
But whatever the confluence of interests may be, it does seem that Egypt is overlooking something.
In May, Egypt expelled an Iranian diplomat for spying.

Then in July, it was reported that Iran is working on increasing it's influence in Egypt by improving relations with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Whatever relations may develop between the 2 countries, one wonders whether Iran will see Egypt as an equal partner--or as a puppet, perhaps along the lines of Hezbollah.

That sort of possibility would probably be appealing to Iran, as Egypt represents one more front that can be opened against Israel.

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