Monday, August 08, 2011

During Recess, Congressman Flocking To Israel

Jonathan Tobin writes about the large number of Congressman planning visits to Israel over the 3 week recess:
Anyone tempted to underestimate the support Israel retains in Congress ought to think again. During the three-week congressional recess, an astounding 81 members of the House of Representatives will visit the Jewish state. The Jerusalem Post reports 55 Republicans (including half of the 47 GOP freshman members elected last year) and 26 Democrats will take part in the trips sponsored by the American Israel Education Foundation, a group affiliated with the AIPAC lobby. Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor as well as the Democrat’s Minority Whip Steny Hoyer will also be along for the ride. The members will be offered an opportunity to see the country up close as well as to meet with Israel’s leaders. For many of them, it will be their first visit to the country.
That's 81 members out of the 435--close to 19%.

It's important to note that the numbers reflect strong bi-partisan support, an issue that is important, especially as the Congress has been a balance that has tempered the pressure Obama has applied to Israel in terms of the unilateral concessions that have been demanded of it while at the same time nothing has been required of Abbas.

Likewise, the Congress has been discussing holding back on aid to Arab countries that cater to terrorists--something that benefits the US as well as Israel.

All in all, this news is reassuring at a time when the Obama administration is not.

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