Monday, August 08, 2011

Have A Meaningful Fast (Plus: Shiurim)

Have a meaningful fast.

 In case you missed it, I posted 2 links to shiurim:

 YU: Tisha B'Av To-Go
Texts to learn, with archived shiurim from past years.

Online Audio Shiurim by Rabbi Ron Yitzchak Eisenman of Ahavas Israel in Passaic, NJ

Shiurim include:
  • o Sinas Chinam & Machlokes 
    The Controversy Surrounding the Printing of Shas Slavita vs. Vilna
  •  o The Machlokes of the Kleava Get And its Importance to Tisha B’Av 
  •  o Yossele, Where Are You? 
    The Amazing Story of a Seven Year Old Boy that Brought the Israeli Mossad to its Knees
  •  o The Essence of Tisha B’Av 
  •  o Halachos of the Three Weeks and Nine Days 
  •  o The Murder of Dr. Yakov Yisrael DeHan
    The First Political Murder in the Modern Jewish Community of Eretz Yisrael
  •  o The Day the Learning Stopped 
    The Story of the Closing of the Volozhiner Yeshiva in 1892 
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