Here is the video:
Here is the translated transcript:
Introductory narration of song:Imagine -- this is after the Palestinian Arabs actually got the upgraded status they wanted from the UN.
"We have accepted [our] death, so that Jerusalem will return
We are bombs, friends, when the homeland calls
My heart, with fury, exploded and scattered
The shrapnel of this life flew and the enemies were beheaded
Grieve not, Mother, shed no tears over my torn flesh
Gather [my] bones, Mother, return them to the earth..."
Palestinian singer, Abu Arab:
"Allah Akbar (Allah is Greater)!
If you summon: "Come to self-sacrifice"
You will meet heroic men who mock death...
We praised the Lord, and set out for Martyrdom (Shahada)
We strapped ourselves with explosives, and trusted in Allah
Carry the load, heroes, show disaster to the settler
Neither day nor night will be sweet for him - until he leaves us.
Raise your fire. Raise! Burn the settler with it.
For the sake of Jerusalem and our holy place
We strapped ourselves with explosives
We trusted in [Allah] the Merciful and praised Him for the Martyrdom (Shahada)
Onward, onward, men, on the roads to glory...
We praised the Lord, and set out for Martyrdom (Shahada)
We strapped on the explosives, and trusted in Allah."
[PA radio Voice of Palestine, Dec. 1, 2012
One thing is for sure: even something like this will not convince those who desperately cling to the idea that Abbas is a moderate who can be led to negotiate with Israel in the interests of peace.
Until the Abbas regime is held responsible for encouraging terrorism and inciting genocidal hatred of Israel, this kind of hatred of Jews will continue to be encouraged.
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1 comment:
Golda Meir said, "They hate Jews more than they love their children." What's amazing about these people who became infected as children to this sickness is their inability to see themselves as the source of so much that is wrong, and continue to pass on their depraved mentality to upcoming generations. Maimonides called their "prophet" the "idiot", and they do not fail to follow in that idiot's tracks.
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