Be that as it may, alongside the whippersnappers who sent in their posts, I've added a heaping helping of "my crowd" as well.
For information about hosting, email Jack at talktojacknow-at-sbcglobal-dot-net.
You can submit your post to the next edition of haveil havalim using the carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found at the blog carnival index page.
Listed at the Truth Laid Bear Ubercarnival.
Avraham Rephael (aka Bar Kochba) presents Closer than you think posted at The Truth About Moshiach.
Sammy Benoit presents YID With LID: European Football a Hotbed of Anti-Semitism posted at YID With LID.
Dan presents - A little update posted at, saying, "Reminding everywhere what, a religious zionist blog, is all about and how we try sharing the relevant torah of Religious Zionism."
Jewish Blogmeister presents J Blogger Interviews: Dixie Yid posted at Jewish Blogmeister
Rabbi Neil Fleischmann presents 10 posted at NY's Funniest Rabbi about a new meme making the rounds--consider yourself tagged, if you like.
Jack presents Anonymous Blogging posted at Random thoughts (look out for his banana launcher!)
GoyisheRebbe presents Bad Timing: The Internet Fast posted at Shiloh Musings
The Babysitter presents "I Don't Care" --- The 'Perfect' Defense posted at The Babysitter Writes.
Schvach Yid presents Happy Anniversary posted at Schvach - פני דל.
Schvach Yid presents O' Revolution posted at Schvach - פני דל.
Yaldah Publishing presents Weird But Interesting in the Publishing Biz posted at Yaldah Publishing, saying, "Behind the scenes of Jewish publishing"
Jacob presents My Hebrew Name on Facebook passes 100,000 installations posted at Good News from Israel. It allows you to display your Hebrew name on your Facebook account.
Michael presents The SKAAFTJ Israeli 10 - The 10 Most Valuable/Promising Israeli Internet Companies posted at Six Kids and a Full Time Job
Orthonomics about a new life insurance program for the yungerleit of the Lakewood Yeshiva
Sammy Benoit presents Germany's Release of Terrorists in December 1924 posted at YID With LID.
Rick presents Two Nakbas in One posted at Jewish Current Issues
Heshy presents When people don?t lock the bathroom door posted at Frum Satire.
Heshy presents The shidduch crisis is getting so bad? posted at Frum Satire.
Heshy presents No I don?t know you, but you invited me on Facebook posted at Frum Satire.
Yaakov presents OU Initiates Literary Kosher Certification posted at Beyond BT
SnoopyTheGoon presents On possible asparagus evolution posted on SimplyJews
Jameel presents Duping the Mossad posted on The Muqata
Heshy presents Just got this Shidduch Resume via email posted at Frum Satire.
Ben-Yehudah presents Mehadrin Buses posted at Esser Agaroth.
ari kinsberg presents Israeli Musicians Sing and Rap for the MIAs posted at Ari's Blog.
Ben-Yehudah presents Missionaries in Sderot-What do they expect posted at The Key to Redemption.
Ben-Yehudah presents Another Bloody Rosh Chodesh posted at TOMER DEVORAH.
Avodah Ivrit presents Palestinian Truck Seen Leaving Eli posted at Avodah Ivrit עבודה עברית.
Harry presents A city of many neighborhoods posted at Jerusalemite blog.
Mordechai Torczyner presents The Increasing Irrelevance of the American Jewish Community posted at Rechovot: A Place to Expand.
Avraham Rephael (aka Bar Kochba) presents Murder in the Jerusalem posted at For Zion's Sake.
Sammy Benoit presents YID With LID: PA Says Baby Killer is a HERO posted at YID With LID.
Sammy Benoit presents YID With LID: Abbas Orders Troops To Disrupt Hamas/Israel "Cease-Fire" posted at YID With LID.
Sammy Benoit presents BBC's First Report Was "Israel bulldozer driver shot dead". posted at YID With LID.
Eric Rosenberg presents Labor, Kadima Afraid To Lose to Bibi posted at The Israel Situation, saying, "A discussion on why Kadima will not oust corrupt Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, which can be summarized in one word: Bibi."
Adloyada presents Telegraph romanticizes Jerusalem's rapist terrorist on how terrorist's murder spree is being ascribed to a broken heart.
Media Backspin presents 'Catastrophe' For Google Earth Users on how preference is given to Palestinian activists over pro-Israel users.
Anne presents Where's the Israeli Defense Minister?, which includes information about a new project by The National Council of Young Israel regarding Sderot--in Boker Tov, Boulder.
Cosmic-X presents Terror Victim Jan Relevy about a profile of one of the victims of the terrorist attack in Jerusalem this week.
Elder of Ziyon presents PalArabs: Keep away from our keffiyehs!
Vic presents My worst nightmares are their reality posted on about the Kuntar deal.
Omar presents Iran and the Coming War posted on IRAQ THE MODEL, presenting the viewpoint of an Iraqi Arab.
Barak presents Winograd Member Savages Olmert posted on IRIS Blog.
Carl presents Shimon Peres: 'No chance of peace with Palestinians' posted on Israel Matzav
Judy presents My Jerusalem Bus Line posted on Jerusalem Diaries:In Tense Times about #13 Egged bus--the one she rides, and the one attacked by the terrorist in Jerusalem this past week.
JoeSettler presents Poor Driving and Gas Guzzling posted at JoeSettler about how to get Israeli drivers to drive more safely (but there's a catch)
Jeffrey presents A Remarkable Department posted at My Obiter Dicta about the uniqueness of the Bar Ilan Talmud Department despite the disadvantages it faces.
Smooth presents Iraelis Contributed to Daring Colombian Hostage Rescue posted at Smooth Stone
Soccer Dad presents Sneaking peace about a new bill that might keep Olmert's largess in check.
Sultan Knish presents There Can be No Peace with Terrorism
Yoni presents Knesset Bans Membership for Visitors to Enemy Countries posted at Yoni the Blogger (something about blind squirrels...)
Meryl presents The utter denial of the Arab mind posted at
Dan presents Rav Kook's answer to the Zohan posted at, saying, "Why is Secular Zionism losing it's idealism? What does it mean to our process of redemption?"
Yitzchak Goodman presents More on the Jewish Refugees . . . er . . . um . . . Immigrants to the Zionist entity posted at Judeopundit.
JEWISH MUSICA Jewish Music Insider presents Shloimy Tosig: Exclusive! posted at A Jewish Music Insider.
Elie presents Musical Monday #50 on Elie's Expositions. No, it isn't really about Jewish music, but it is relevant to this past week.
Yitz presents A Great Threesome! posted at Heichal HaNegina, featuring a video of a Shlomo Carlebach dance niggun.
Psycho Toddler presents Ain't No Cure for the Summerfest Blues with video of his band's gig at Summerfest.
Gil presents July Fourth posted at Hirhurim - Musings about the Jewish view towards celebrating the 4th of July.
Rachel Barenblat presents A morning at the Leader Minyan posted at Velveteen Rabbi, saying, "The chronicle of a morning at the famed Leader Minyan in Jerusalem."
Schvach Yid presents What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate posted at Schvach - פני דל.
Child Ish Behavior presents The Davening Firefly posted at Not Just Typical, saying, "What happens when a firefly comes for Marriv."
Pillage Idiot presents The use and misuse of Tikkun Olam posted at Pillage Idiot
A Simple Jew presents "I Want To Go Outside!" posted at A Simple Jew.
Mordechai Torczyner presents I'm sending my children to Jewish Hogwarts posted at Rechovot: A Place to Expand.
Chaim presents The "Take 1 On" Mitzvah Campaign. posted at Chaim Rubin.
Rivster presents Ethical Quandry posted at Frume Sarah's World, saying, "What happens when one's belief in a principle is challenged?"
Avrohom Adler presents CAN’T BE ANSWERED IN MIDDLE OF THE PRAYER posted at Daf notes, saying, "Thank you so much"
Dixie Yid presents Achieving a Harmonious Shabbos Table - Part 6 - Guest Post
Harry presents Belief and Science posted at EmesVe-Emunah.
Dan presents The All-Spiritual Afterlife, the Torah, and Me. Part Three posted at, saying, "The World to Come (Olam Haba), the Afterlife, according to Judaism - Part Three"
Ezzie presents Curious Evolution posted at SerandEz -- do frum Jews really care?
Jamie presents The Bible and Conservatism posted at The American Thinker.
Cynthia Samuels presents WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T EAT IN MY HOUSE? posted at Cynthia Samuels, saying, "It's tough to tell a friend you can't eat in their house - at least on the family china."
Rafi G presents Short stay on Death Row for Billiam the Turkey posted on Life in Israel
muse presents KCC Updates posted at me-ander, saying, "Important jblog news!"
Soccer Dad recommends Krav Maga posted at Dr. Helen.(Dr. Helen is the wife of )
Kosher Cocktails presents New York New York posted at Kosher Cocktails, saying, "This is a blog for all those who want to try something new or are hosting a party/sheva bracha and want ideas or just want some good old fun."
Soccer Dad recommends Blogging Hiatus Update posted at It's Almost Supernatural. [Mazel Tov!]
Robert J. Avrech presents Ariel and Daf Yomi posted at Seraphic Secret.
Aliyah Step-by-Step has bought a condo! (for her cats)
David presents Yonah 2.0 posted on treppenwitz
West Bank Mama presents Summer Vacation is Just Starting, But the “Search” Is Already Looming
Mottel presents Let's Do Coffee Sometime posted at Letters of Thought.
Mottel presents Sitting in My Brooklyn Garden posted at Letters of Thought, a poem
Lazer presents Angel from Alabama posted at Lazer Beams about a non-Jewish woman donating a kidney to a Lubavitcher Chassid.
Soccer Dad recommends Israeli Prisoner Exchange posted at the Dry Bones Blog.
David presents Thousands Use Facebook to Celebrate Today's Terrorist Attack posted at The Jewish Internet Defense Force.
Jill Miller Zimon presents Josh Mandel faces ?tough odds?? Needs $400,000 to win 17th? Who knew. posted at Writes Like She Talks, saying, "There are few Jews in Ohio's legislature, but the one from my district is not someone I'm feeling very good about right now."
Joe presents Sudanese Find Refuge In Israel posted at The Israel Situation, saying, "An article about Sudanese refugees finding sanctuary in Israel."
LEL presents Why Jews Should Vote For McCain posted at Fiery Spirited Zionist.
Aussie Dave presents Gotta Love the Gillerman posted at Israellycool
Freedom Fighter presents Separate But Equal Terrorists posted on J O S H U A P U N D I T about Mandela and friends.
Space Ramblings presents The 2008 Presidential Election in Battlestar Galactica terms
Avi presents British judges help terrorists go free posted on Tel-Chai Nation
Don presents Have American Jews Been Duped? posted on Writing The Wrongs about whether
American support weakens Israeli resolve
Pamela presents Schoolboys punished for refusing to pray to Allah in schools at Atlas Shrugs.
Dan presents The All-Spiritual Afterlife, the Torah, and Me. (Olam Haba in Judaism) Part Two posted at, saying, "Part 2 of a great series about the afterlife, why we are so intrigued by it, and why it isn't even mentioned once in the Torah!"
ari kinsberg presents Pesach vs. Pasach (and other leining miscellany) posted at Ari's Blog.
Uriah presents Facing the giant posted at Kumah about what can be applied today from this week's Parsha.
Rafi G presents Chukas: resting on your laurels posted at Torah Thoughts
Technorati Tags: Blog carnivals, haveil havalim, Israel, Judaism.

Great job! Thank you for reading and including me, though I didn't submit. 'Tis an honor.
Yaasher Koach. Great Job.
Thanks Jack; as an old fogey I much appreciated it.
Thanks so much for the link. Great job all around.
Great job and thanks for the link.
Yasherkoach Gadol! Great roundup!
Capital job, DA, and thanks for including us in spite of my laziness.
What a list. And I daily read a good many of them.
Thank you for the link.
Thanks for the link! And thanks for hosting and doing all that work.
Thank you for the link, DA, I appreciate it.
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